German Expansion Timeline

  • Hitler and his Secret Plans!

    Hitler and his Secret Plans!
    Hitler secretly met with top military. He told everyone that to grow that German needed the land of everyone surrounding him. He wanted to get Austria and Czechoslovakia to the Third Reich. When one of the advisors turned and protested that getting rid of those countries would make a war.
  • The Munich Agreement

    The Munich Agreement
    Germany signed the Munich Agreement. The Munich Agreement was when France, Italy, Nazi Germany and Britain. British and French ministers tried to convince Hitler to not use his military. This agreement turned Sudetenland over to Germany with no shot fired during the process.
  • Becoming Partners with Austria

    Becoming Partners with Austria
    German army marched onto Austria territory. Later on the next day Germany told everyone that the union with Austria was complete and everyone else in the world did nothing.
  • Invading of Czechoslovakia

    Invading of Czechoslovakia
    The German troops invaded Czechoslovakia or what remained. After Hitler had wiped out Czechoslovakia, he next turned to Poland.
  • Surprises Everywhere!

    Surprises Everywhere!
    German troops had continued their routine in Poland saying that they needed their protection. However, many believed that Hitler was bluffing because an attack on Poland would bring Germany into conflict with the soviet union. Stalin signed a nonaggression act when everything got tense with Poland.
  • Germany at War

    Germany at War
    Germany sent their air force over Poland dropping bombs on military bases, railroads, airfields, and cities. All the meanwhile Germany also sent tanks out across the countryside of Poland.  This was the first attempt of Germany's new strategy, blitzkrieg, which was the use of fast tanks and powerful aircrafts. And this tactic worked very well for Germany being that all major fighting had only lasted three weeks.
  • Surprise Invasion

    Surprise Invasion
    Hitler put on a surprise invasion on Denmark and Norway to “protect” them for their freedom and independence but he really only wanted to establish bases there. Hitler then turned to against the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. In the end those were all overrun by the end of May which had brought an end to the phony war.
  • The Beaches of Dunkirk

    The Beaches of Dunkirk
    On this day Germany trapped 400,000 British and French soldiers on the Beaches of Dunkirk. As a result they carried close to 330,000 troops to safety across the b0dy of water in makeshift vessels and boats.
  • France and Germany in Compiègne

    France and Germany in Compiègne
    In Compiegne France Hitler and William Shirer met as Hitler gave French officials his terms of surrender. This included Germany occupying the Northern part of France, and Nazi-controlled government.
  • Battle of Britian Day

    Battle of Britian Day
    The Battle of Britain went from the Summer till Fall of 1940. With months of bombing and aiming for large cities like London.This day marks the RAF attacking Germany and taking 185 German planes, loosing 26 planes themselves. After this attack Hitler called off the invasion of Britain.