Rome-Berlin Axis
This was a pact between Italy's leader,Mussolini, and The German leader,Adolf Hitler. This was the start of Fasicsit groups coming together -
Period: to
German Expansion
March on Austria
HItler and German troops begin marching on Austria. Hitler believed he had the right to due to most Austrians spoke and were German. This was the Begining of German expansion. -
Munich Agreement
This agreement was a huge one for Germany.It signed over Sudentland to Germany with out any shots being fired. This gave Germany key positioning for there next strike. -
Hitler and Stalin Become Friends
Germany becomes allies with Russia causing them to be able to invade more land without upsetting Russia. This was extremely important for Germany to be able to continue spreading throughout the world. -
Germany invades Poland. This was possible due to the Munich Agreement and Germany and Russia becoming Allies. -
Invasion of Denmark and Norway
Germany invades Denmark and Norway to "protect the people" even though we all know they just wanted more land and needed a reason to due it. -
William Shierir is a Bad Man
William Sheirir hands over North France to Germany which gives them key postioning for their next move that they are planing. -
Germany attacks Germany and France
Germany attacks Germany and France.Yet the Royal Navy was able to defend due to thembeing much superior in the sea.