German Expansion Timeland

  • Hitlers secret meeting.

    Hitlers secret meeting.
    On November 5, 1937, Hitler met secretly with his top military advisers.
  • German troops marched into Austria.

    German troops marched into Austria.
    On March 12, 1938, German troops marched into Austria unopposed. Hitler gained control over Austria.
  • Signing the Munich

    Signing the Munich
    On September 30, 1938, they signed the Munich Agreement, which turned the Sudetenland over to Germany without a single shot being fired.
  • Invading Czechoslovakia.

    Invading Czechoslovakia.
    -On March 15, 1939, German troops poured into what remained of Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler begins familiar routines

    Hitler begins familiar routines
    -In the spring of 1939, Hitler began his familiar routine, charging that Germans in Poland were mistreated by the Poles and needed his protection
  • Germany and Russian alliance

    Germany and Russian alliance
    On August 23, 1939 fascist Germany and communist Russia now committed never to attack each other.
  • German Luftwaffe

    German Luftwaffe
    On September 1, 1939, the German Luftwaffe, or German air force, roared over Poland, raining bombs on military bases, airfields, railroads, and cities.
  • Britain and France declare war.

    Britain and France declare war.
    On September 3, 1939, two days following the terror in Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany.
  • Invasion of Denmark

    Invasion of Denmark
    On April 9, 1940, Hitler launched a surprise invasion of Denmark and Norway in order “to protect those counties freedom and independence” but in truth, Hitler planned to build bases along the coasts to strike at Great Britain
  • Hitler send his terms

    Hitler send his terms
    On June 22, 1940, at Compiègne, as William Shirer and the rest of the world watch, Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender.
  • Germany assembles fleets

    Germany assembles fleets
    -In the summer of 1940, the Germans began to assemble an invasion fleet along the French coast.
  • RAF

    On September 15, 1940, the RAF shot down over 185 German planes; at the same time, they lost only 26 aircraft's. Six weeks later, Hitler called off the invasion of Britain indefinitely.