Hitler Plans Expansion
Adolf Hitler had a meeting in secret with his top military advisers on November 5th, 1937 to declare that the expansion of Germany would need to start with their neighbors. His plan was to invade Austria and Czechoslovakia and begin his expansion to bring prosperity to Germany. His response when one of his advisers opposed the idea explaining it would bring war was "'The German Question' can only be solved by means of force, and this is never without risk." -
Hitler Takes Austria
The first target of Hitler in his expansion was Austria. Austria at this time was fairly new as a country as it was created by the Paris Peace Conference after World War I with what was left of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Hitler had very little trouble claiming Austria as many citizens were Germans who were in favor to unifying Austria with Germany which allowed Hitler to march into Austria without opposition. The world did nothing as Hitler announces its Anschluss with Austria was completed. -
The Munich Agreement
Hitler then turned to take Czechoslovakia. France and Great Britain had promised Czech that they would protect them. Just as they were on the brink of war, Hitler invited Edouard Daladier, the French premier and Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister to a meeting in Munich. In the meeting Hitler says Czech is his last territorial demand, and they believed it and signed Czech of to Hitler. The leaders were criticized for their "appeasement" - to give up land to pacify an aggressor. -
Hitler Disobeys Agreement
Despite promising to only take a certain part of the Sudetland, Hitler marched his troops into the remaining portion of the country on March 15, 1939. -
Germany and The Soviet Union Split Poland
Hitler and Germany then looked to take over Germany, which many did not expect as it would create controversy with the Soviet Union and other countries which would possibly spark a war. Then, surprisingly, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a a nonaggression act with a secret act that divided Poland between the once assumed bitter enemies. -
Blitzkreig on Poland
On September 1st, 1939, Hitler started its invasion on Poland. The Nazis started by bombing military bases and sending tanks to terrorize the countryside. They used a new war strategy called Blitzkreig, which used new technology such as fast tanks and new aircraft. France and Britain came to defend Poland but Germany ended up taking Poland. Both France and Britain declare war on Germany soon after to begin World War II. -
Germany and the Phony War
After Poland is taken, Germany and France/Britain troops were in a "sitting war" where neither made any moves. Suddenly, Hitler invades Denmark and Norway to "protect [those countries] freedom and independence" while in reality he wanted to build bases along the coasts to strike Great Britain. He soon goes against the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.