German Expansion

  • Union with Austria

    Union with Austria
    Austria was Hitlers first target. He felt that since they spoke German and were mostly German, they were a part of Germany. Most of the Austrians supported the unification, so Hitler marched into Germany unopposed on March 12, 1938
  • Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia)

    Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia)
    Hitler wanted to annex Sudetenland because there were about 3 million German speaking people. Also he wanted to control their resources and give the Germans more ¨Lebensraum.¨ France and England said they would help protect the area. Then Hitler invited the French and British Prime misters to Munich, and said that the takeover would be his ¨last territorial demand.¨ The Munich treaty was signed on September 30, 1938, but Winston Churchill thought that it shouldn´t have been signed.
  • Soviet Union declares to stay Neutral

    Soviet Union declares to stay Neutral
    Hitler began saying that the Germans who lived in Poland were being mistreated by the Polish. But, Hitler couldn't invade Poland because of the fear of being attacked by the Soviet union. But surprisingly Stalin signed the "Nonagression pact", saying that Russia and Germany would never attack each other.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    After the nonagression pact being signed by Stalin and Hitler, the Germans had basically "clearance" to invade Poland. On September 1, 1939, the Germans used their new "Blitzkrieg" war tactics to take over Poland. They used their "Luftwaffe" as air support and their tanks to take the land.
  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War
    On September 3, right after the invasion of Poland, Britain and France declared war on Hitlers regime.
  • France helps defend

    France helps defend
    -France wants to help defend Poland from Nazi Germany attempting to takeover
    -France Launches "Saar Offensive" in support
  • Beginning of the Holocaust

    Beginning of the Holocaust
    Adolf Eichmann, a high ranking German official, in charge of the extermination of the Jews, starts taking Jews from Austria and Czechoslovakia to send them into prisoner camps in Poland.
  • Invasions of Denmark and Norway

    Invasions of Denmark and Norway
    -Launched these attacks but they took everyone by surprise.
    - Said he took over them to " protect freedom and independence."
    - Hitler was really trying to build military bases in these countries.
  • British Naval Victory

    British Naval Victory
    British win the first Battle of Narvik against Nazi Germany Naval forces.
  • More Invasions of Nazi Germany

    More Invasions of Nazi Germany
    Germany surprises more in their invading of Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Luxembourg.