German Expansion

  • Ideas Made

    Ideas Made
    Hitler and his german advisors come up with a plan to invade Austria and Czech in the 3rd Reich. Some advisors were against an invasion due to war but hitler answered them back with this quote, "The German Question can only be solved by means of force, and this is never without risk".
  • The March

    The March
    German Troops marched into Austria unopposed. A day after the attack on Austria, Germany had announced that their "union" with Austria was complete. The United States and the rest of the world did nothing about it.
  • Peaceful Turnover

    Peaceful Turnover
    Daladier from France and Chamberlain from Great Britain did not want to go to war with Germany. Sudetenland was the from Hitler's words "last tettorial demand". So they beleived him and signed the Munich Agreement which peacefully handed over Sudetenland to Germany. Chamberlain then went back to Great Britain to say, "My friends, there has came back from Germany peace and honor. I belive it is peace in our time." Chamberlain submitted to hitlers terms which is called appeasement.
  • Second invasion

    Second invasion
    Winston Churchill was not happy with Great Britain signing the Munich Agreement, he called it dishonorable. He warned that Hitler will be back to start a war. Hitler then invaded Czech, he said "Czech no longer exsist's". After that, Hitler focused on his next target, Poland.
  • Peace treaty

    Peace treaty
    Germany and Russia (Soviet Russia) created a peace treaty. Stalin and Hiter signed the Nonagressional Pact which stated that neither side will attack each other in this conflict. They also singed a second secret pact that stated that they will split poland between them.
  • Bombings

    Germany had decided to try out their new stagety of war called the "blitzkrieg". It was anew and faster way to take your opponent down in war. The tanks were faster and the aircrafts were even more powerful.
  • War declared.

    War declared.
    Just two days after the attack on Poland, both France and Great Britain had declared war on Germany. Yet the germans new tactics were too fast for the French and Great britain to make a defense move for Poland, the attack was over. The Soviet Union was able to take over 1/3 of Polish terrtiory. Thus, the second World War was created.
  • Surprise!

    German troops launch a surprise attack on Norway and Denmark. Germany had planned to build bases along the coast's to strike on Great Britain. They also turned their backs and attacked the Netherlands, Belguim, and Luxemburg.
  • Occupation of France

    Occupation of France
    Germans occupy France. William Shirer and the rest of the world would watch as Hitler handed French officers his terms for surrender. Germany would then be have full control of northern France. Charles de Gaulle fled to england and set up a government-in-exile.
  • Fight Back

    Fight Back
    Britains Air Force Fought back well against germany air force. Britain air force had shot down 185 aircrafts while Germany only shot down 26 aircrafts. Hitler them called ff the invasion on Britain. Still, both kept bombing at each others cities to try and slow down production of their weapons.