1200px flag of germany.svg

German Expansion

  • Secret Meeting

    Secret Meeting
    Hitler met with his advisers to concern his idea of land expansion with its neighbors by controlling Czechoslovakia and Austria.
  • The Annexation

    The Annexation
    Hitler marches into Austria and annexes it out of what was left of the Austro-Hungarian Empire without any trouble.
  • The Munich Agreement

    The Munich Agreement
    Great Britain and France signed the Munich agreement which gave Sudetenland over to Germany without a shot being fired.
  • The Expansion

    The Expansion
    Germany expanded its territory by taking over Czechoslovakia
  • Nonaggression Pact

    Nonaggression Pact
    Hitler and Stalin signed the Nonaggression pact, which said they agreed to never attack one another. They then agreed to sign a second pack splitting Poland even between them.
  • Blitzkrieg

    Poland was bombed by German Air Force, The Luftwaffe, and full on rushed by the new German military strategy known as The Blitzkrieg, or Flash War.
  • Bye Bye Poland

    Bye Bye Poland
    Poland's by was taken from Germany, and Poland's east was taken by Russia, Poland no longer existed. Britain, and France declared war on Germany causing WWII to start.
  • Strategy

    Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway giving him the coast to build bases and strike on Great Britain.
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
    France was handed their surrender negotiations from Germany. In which Germans would occupy Northern France and Marshal Philippe Pétain would have a Nazi-controlled puppet government at Vichy, Southern France.
  • Bombing Raids

    Bombing Raids
    German Bombers rained over Britain, bombing London every night for two months.
  • Royal Air Force

    Royal Air Force
    The RAF shot down over 185 planes while only losing twenty six of their own.
  • Hitler Retreats

    Hitler Retreats
    Hitler called off the Invasion of Britain indefinitely