German Expansion

  • Period: to

    The Holocaust

    The Holocaust began in 1933, and ended in 1945. Over 6 million Jews were killed by execution, gas chambers, suicide and lingering diseases such as Typhus. Families were often separated, an people were forced o give up everything of value, including clothing, rings, gold teeth fillings, hair, shoes, jewelry, etc.
  • Germany unites with Austria

    Germany unites with Austria
    Hitler wanted to target Austria first because of the 6 million citizens who favored unification. German troops marched into Austria unopposed. A day later, Germany announced its unification with Austria was complete.
  • The Germans invade Czechoslovakia

    The Germans invade Czechoslovakia
    Hitler was not done expanding the Third Reich. German troops poured into what remained of Czechoslovakia and soon after began to target Poland. Jews within the region were attacked and banished to an area between Slovakia and Hungary
  • Pact of Steel

    Pact of Steel
    Signed by Adolf Hiler and Benito Mussolini on May 22nd, 1939. Was meat to be a military alliance between Japan, Italy and Germany. Formalized the 1936 Rome- Berlin Axis agreement, and united these two countries on military and political standards.
  • Molotov- Ribbontrop Pact

    Molotov- Ribbontrop Pact
    Nazi Germany broke terms with the Anti- Comintern Pact after signing the Molotov- Ribbontrop Pact in Moscow, Russia. Russia would have control over Latvia, Estonia, and Finland, while Germany would inherit Lithuania and Danzig. Poland would be divided into three sections. More than 77,000 square miles of land would be handed over to Russia and the central area named the General Government.
  • Hitler Prepares to Invade Poland

    Hitler Prepares to Invade Poland
    After giving final orders the day before, Hitler an his 50 military divisions invaded Poland and targeted its capitol, Warsaw. Eventually, Warsaw surrendered after attempting to fight back.
  • Britain and France Declare War on Germany

    Britain and France Declare War on Germany
    Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain arranges a war cabinet after GB declares war on Germany. The war would last until mid 1945. The United States would later step in to assist the Germans and contribute in ending the war.
  • Polish Resistance

    Polish Resistance
    As of October 6th, 1939, Poland ended its last resistance due to the occupation of the Germans. Many jews who resided there were transported to neighboring countries or to concentration camps.
  • Soviet forces invade Finland

    Soviet forces invade Finland
    After invading Finland, the Winter War began. Lasted until November of 1940 and ended with the signing of the Moscow Peace Treaty. The Soviet Union did not agree to it at first, but after applying several amendment, they final signed it.
  • Germany occupies Norway and Greece

    Germany occupies Norway and Greece
    The Germans occupied Denmark and invades Norway on April 10th. Like many of Hitler's attacks on several countries, people were transported to neighboring countries or to nearby concentration camps. Townspeople were forced from their homes and families often got separated.
  • German Occupation of Europe and Asia

    German Occupation of Europe and Asia
    By 1940, over 10 countries had been occupied by the Germans. Some of which included Hugary, Romania, the Netherlands and France