German Expansion

  • Austria and Czechoslovakia fall

    Austria and Czechoslovakia fall
    Hitler met with secret top military advisors. He made it clear that he wanted to invade Austria and Czechoslovakia. Austria was Hitler's first target.
  • War in Austria

    War in Austria
    Hitler decided that he was going to make a move. He decided to march into Austria first with troops so he can take over that territory.
  • Germany announces Austria

    Germany announces Austria
    When Hitler took over Austria he declared Anschluss or "union".
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Daladier and Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement.
  • Invading Czechoslovakia

    Invading Czechoslovakia
    German troops invaded Czechoslovakia, causing them to annex it.
  • Stalin Signs

    Stalin Signs
    Stalin signed a nonaggression pact to declare communist Russia and Germany. It was also known as The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The two former enemies agreed to take no military action against each other for the next 10 years.
  • Poland is under attack

    Poland is under attack
    Hitler decided to drop bombs on Poland. He specifically targeted all of the military bases.
  • Invading Poland

    Invading Poland
    Hitler decided after invading Austria and Czechoslovakia, he wanted more land and invaded Poland.
  • War has begun

    War has begun
    Britain and France declared war on Germany. They both declared war in response to what Hitler did to Poland.
  • Surprise Attacks

    Surprise Attacks
    Hitler decided to surprise and attack Norway and Denmark. He wanted to secure the Iron ore that shipped from Narvik.
  • Germany is under attack

    Germany is under attack
    The RAF (Royal Air Forces) was ordered to shoot down any Nazi bombing planes. They shot down Germans planes. 185 of them!
  • Hitler Surrenders

    Hitler Surrenders
    Hitler decided to surrender from the war. He surrenders to French officers. Hitler lost a lot of allies during the war, so he didn't have anyone or anything to help provide for the war.