
German Expansion

  • Hitler secretly meets with top military advisers

    Hitler secretly meets with top military advisers
    His plan was to absorb Austria and Czecholavakia into the Third Reich.
    "The German Question' can be solved only by means of force, and this is never without risk."
  • German Troops March into Austria Unapposed

    German Troops March into Austria Unapposed
    A day later, Germany announced that its' Anschluss, or "union" with Austria was comlete. The United States did nothing.
  • Hitler turns to Czechoslovakia to annex

    Hitler turns to Czechoslovakia to annex
    Hitler wanter to annex Czechoslovaskia to provide more living spage for Germany and to control its important natural recources.
  • Nazis violently attack Jews and destroy Jewish property.

    Nazis violently attack Jews and destroy Jewish property.
    Kristallnacht, the Night of the Broken Glass. Nazis violently attack Jews and destroy Jewish property, 91 Jews are killed and others are beaten.
  • Germany annexes the rest of Czechoslovakia

    Germany annexes the rest of Czechoslovakia
    Germany annexes the rest of Czechoslovakia. British Government pledges to aid Poland "at once, with all the support in their power" in the event that Poland is attacked by Germany.
  • Germany Begins to Strike

    Germany Begins to Strike
    German troops poured into what remained of Czechoslovakia. At nightfall, Hitler said "Czechoslovakia ceases to exist." Hitler then turned his attention to Poland.
  • Germany and Russia come to an Agreement

    Stalin signed a pact with Hitler callled the nonaggression pact. Fascist Germany and communist Russia agreed to never attack each other. Germany and Russia signed a secret pact. This pact divided Poland up between them.
  • Britain declares war on Germany

    Britain declares war on Germany
    Britain declares war on Germany at 11 am, France declares war on Germany six hours later.
  • German troops invade Denmark and Norway

    German troops invade Denmark and Norway
    German troops invade Denmark and Norway
  • The Phony War

    The Phony War
    Hitler launched a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway. He said he wanted to protect their freedom. Hitler really planned to build bases along the coasts to strike Great Britain.
  • Holland, Belgium, and Norway surrender to Germany

    Holland, Belgium, and Norway surrender to Germany
  • Germans Get shut Down

    Germans Get shut Down
    The RAF shot down over 185 German planes. The RAF only lost 26 airplanes. Hitler called off the invasion of Great Britain six weeks later. German bombers continued to pound Britain's cities to disrupt them. Britain pilots also bombed German cities. Citizens continued to carry on with their lives.
  • Soviet Union renews pact with Germany

    Soviet Union renews pact with Germany