German Expansion

  • Hitler's Secret Meeting

    Hitler's Secret Meeting
    • November 5, 1937
    • Wanted to grow Germany by capturing Austria and Czechoslovakia
    • Advised that this could cause war but Hitler didn't care
  • German Troops Invade Austria

    German Troops Invade Austria
    • March 12 1938
    • No opposition
    • Most people from Austria approved of the merge
    • Merge called the anschluss or union
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    • Septemeber 30, 1938
    • British PM Neville Chamberlain and French Premier Edouard Daladier turned Sudetenland (western Czechoslovakia where most people spoke German) over to Hitler without a fight
  • Hilter Marches into Czechoslovakia

    Hilter Marches into Czechoslovakia
    • March 15, 1939
    • At the break of day, Hitler marched his troops into the small part of Czechoslovakia left
    • Country was defeated by nightfall
  • Stalin Signs Non-Aggression Pact

    Stalin Signs Non-Aggression Pact
    • August 23, 1939
    • Commitment between Germany and Russia to never attack each other
    • Also signed a secret pact to divide Poland when it was captured
    • ¨Sealed the fate¨ of Poland
  • Germans Invade Poland

    Germans Invade Poland
    • September 1, 1939
    • German air force dropped bombs over cities, railroads, and military bases
    • German troops and tanks invaded Poland's borders
    • Strategy called blitzkrieg, a lightning war
    • France and Great Britain declare war 2 days later
  • Finland Invaded and Finnish Surrender

    Finland Invaded and Finnish Surrender
    • Finland invaded and annexed by Soviet Union
  • Surprise Invasion of Norway and Denmark

    Surprise Invasion of Norway and Denmark
    • Claimed he wanted to protect these countries but actually wanted to create military bases to strike at Britain
  • Luxembourg Invaded

    Luxembourg Invaded
    • Invaded on May 10th and surrendered on the same day
  • Netherlands Invaded

    Netherlands Invaded
    • Netherlands invaded on May 10th, surrendered on May 14th
    • Very small and unprepared army but they put up a decent fight against the Germans despite their size, training, and weapons
  • Belgium Invaded and Surrendered

    Belgium Invaded and Surrendered
    • Invaded on May 10th and surrendered on May 28th
  • Dunkirk Evacuation

    Dunkirk Evacuation
    • 400,000 soldiers from France and Great Britain were trapped on the beaches of Dunkirk in France by Germans on May 26th 1940
    • Small boats and river barges evacuated 330,000 of the soldiers across the English Channel in just one week (June 4th 1940)
  • Period: to

    Germany Attacks Britain

    • Germany built up a line of defense against Britain
    • Over the summer of 1940, German planes bombed London and the surrounding areas nightly for two months straight
    • The Royal Air Force started to fight back with the new technology of radar
    • The officially recognized end date is October 31st when the attacks seemed to let up and Hitler "surrendered"
    • Link text