Period: to
German Expansion
Hitler Secretly Meets with Top Military Advisers
During this secret meeting, Hitler expressed his ideas toward the growth and well-being of Germany. He had said that Germany needed its neighbors' lands, specifically Austria and Czechslovakia. -
Germany Unities with Austria
On this day, German troops unopposedly marched into Austrian lands and declared, the next day, that Austria was now bound to Germany. While this was going on, the world (including the US) did nothing as an attempt to prevent another World War. -
Signing of the Munich Agreement
The agreement was met by Germany, France, which allowed Germany to take Sudetenland. Germany had gained a part of Czechoslovakia without any violence. -
Germany Invades Czechoslovakia
German expansion involved Hitler invading Czechoslovakia with German troops. During nightfall Hitler had announced that the country had no longer existed. -
Signing of the Nonaggression Pact
Unexpectedly, Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler signed a nonaggression pact after being enemies. This pact went along with another which agreed to split Poland between the two countries. -
Blitzkrieg in Poland
The military strategy the blitzkrieg, or lightning war, was created by German forces to invade the Polish countryside. During the invasion, fast tanks and air crafts were used. -
Declaration of War by Britain and France
Once the terror of Poland had come to the attention of Great Britain and France, both countries declared war on Germany as a response to the chaos. -
Surprise Invasion of Denmark and Poland
Surprising the world, Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway as a means to "protect [those countries'] freedom and independence." However, Hitler wanted to construct bases along the coasts in order to attack Great Britain. -
Hitler Hands French Officers Terms of Surrender
After Italy entered the war as an ally of Germany and invaded France, Germany also invaded Paris. Shortly, after Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender which included Germans occupying the northern part of France, and a Nazi-controlled government in southern France. -
RAF Shoots down over 185 German Planes
Britain's Royal Air Force (RAF) were able to use radar, something Germany did not have, to successfully take down over 185 planes, while German bombers terrorized British cities.