The Nazis become the strongest political party in Germany
The Great Depression was one of the reasons that the Nazis could rise to power. Due to the reasoning of war debt and American investments. In 1932, 6 million people were unemployed and were only faced with the option of joining Hitlers army. By mid 1932 the Nazis became the strongest political party in Germany. -
Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
Once appointed chancellor Hitler got rid of Germany's democratic Weimar Republic. HE replaced it with the "Third Reich". -
Nazi Army Entered Austria and Took it over
The German Army marched into neighboring country, Austria. They easily took over the country the next day. This was because Austria had mostly consisted of Germans who wanted the unification between the two countries. -
Czechoslovakia Falls
On the night of March 15th, 1939 Hitler pointed his troops toward Czechoslovakia and rushed them into what was left of the country. -
Germany Invades Poland
In early September, Germany attacked Poland with a tactic called "Blitzkrieg" or lightning war. This was were they used fast tanks and planes. Infantry would attack quickly and would take over areas. By the end of the month, Poland was completely taken over by Germany. -
Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg
After the surprise invasions on Denmark and Norway, a little more than a month later Hitler turned against the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. This was the end of the phony war. -
Denmark & Norway
Hitler sent a surprise invasion on Denmark and Norway with the reasoning to protect the countries freedom and independence. In reality though, this was used to make it easier to get to Great Britain by building bases along the coasts. This all being in the middle of what was called the phony war. -
Germany takes over France
After entering France a few days before, Hitler gave the paper to the French officers to surrender. Germany took over the north part of France and the southern part was controlled by a Nazi-Controlled puppet government. -
Germany Invades Yugoslavia and Greece
German air forces bombed Belgrade, Greece and rushed 1200 tanks to take over the country. On the same day, the Nazi party of Germany bombed Yugoslavia killing 17,000 civilians.