German Expansion

  • Hitlers Secret Meeting

    Hitlers Secret Meeting
    Hitler met secretly with his top military advisors and discussed that if Germany wanted to grow they needed land from their neighbors.
  • German Troops Marched into Austria

    German Troops Marched into Austria
  • Germany's Anschluss

    Germany's Anschluss
    Germany announces that it's union with Austria is finished
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The Munich Agreement was an agreement concluded at Munich on September 30th 1938, by Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy.
  • Germany invades Czechoslavakia

    Germany invades Czechoslavakia
    Nazi Germany invaded and occupied the Czech provinces of Bohemia and Moravia in the rump Czecho-Slovak state
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany invaded Poland to regain lost territory and ultimately rule their neighbor to the east.
    Sep 1, 1939 – Oct 6, 1939
  • Britain and France declared war on Germany

    Britain and France declared war on Germany
    In response to Hitler's invasion of Poland, Britain and France, both allies of Poland, declare war on Germany.
  • German invasion of Denmark

    German invasion of Denmark
    Hitler launched a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway
    because he feared that Great Britain and France planned to occupy Norway.
  • The Armistice of June 22nd 1940

    The Armistice of June 22nd 1940
    The success of the German invasion led to Frances surrender of WWII
  • RAF launched vigorous counterattack

    RAF launched vigorous counterattack
    Reported 185 German planes downed. The defeat was serious enough to convince Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to abandon his plans for an invasion of Britain.