German Expansion

  • Hossbach Conference

    Hossbach Conference
    Adolf Hitler held a secret conference in the Reich Chancellery where he revealed his plans for the German people at the expense of other Europeans. He mentions "a tightly packed racial core" and a "greater living space than in the case of other peoples...". Hitler explaining his plans for the rest of Europe was one of the first movements of expansion and plans of taking over others.
  • Anschluss with Austria

    Anschluss with Austria
    Hitler includes Austria in the Anschluss, basically a union connected with Germany. Immediately after the Anschluss, Nazis began cracking down on Austrian Jews, arresting them and humiliating them in public.
  • Mobilization of the German Military

    Mobilization of the German Military
  • Munich Pact

    Munich Pact
    Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement, by which Czechoslovakia must surrender its border regions and defenses to Nazi Germany.
  • German troops occupy the Sudetenland

    German troops occupy the Sudetenland
    Germany's forces entered Sudetenland and under the terms of the Munich Pact, Germany annexed the largely German-speaking region from Czechoslovakia.
  • Kristallnacht

    Jewish shops and synagogues were destroyed and the Jewish population was fined for the destruction
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    An alliance between Hitler and Stalin which agreed to divide Poland between the two countries when taken over
  • Anglo-Polish Common Defence Pact

    Anglo-Polish Common Defence Pact
    This agreement offered mutual military assistance in the event that one country was attacked by another European country. A clause was added specifying that the assistance would only be offered if the invaded country’s army fought against the aggressor
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    Poland, the catalyst to WW2, is invaded using Blitzkrieg (lightning war) tactics. Poland tried to fight back, but were quickly defeated and occupied.
  • Germany gained enemies

    Germany gained enemies
    Britain and France declared war on Germany
  • Germany takes over

    Germany takes over
    Denmark and Norway are invaded and occupied
  • German expansion continued

    German expansion continued
    Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France invaded and occupied
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    German Luftwaffe attempted to gain control of Britain airspace through defeat of the Royal Airforce
  • The Blitz

    The Blitz
    German fighter planes are sent to Britain in attempts at air raids
  • German Air raids

    German Air raids
    Germany sends massive air raid onto London