German Expansion

By 82438
  • Hitler met with his top military advisers

    Hitler met with his top military advisers
    Hitler declared that for Germany to grow and prosper, Germany needed the land of its neighbors.
  • German troops marched into Austria unopposed

    German troops marched into Austria unopposed
    The majority of Austria's population was German so they were in favor of unifying with Germany. Austria and Germany unified while the rest of the world did nothing to stop it.
  • The Munich Agreement was signed

    The Munich Agreement was signed
    Hitler had a meeting with Great Britain and France and Hitler said that Sudetenland would be his last territorial demand.
  • German troops poured into what remained of Czechoslovakia

    At nightfall of march 15th, 1939 Hitler gloated that Czechoslovakia was no more and went against the Munich agreement.
  • Non Aggression pact

    Non Aggression pact
    Shockingly two enemies Russia and Germany signed the non aggression pact meaning they both can't attack each other
  • The German air force roared over Poland

    The German air force roared over Poland
    The German airforce rained bombs on military airfeilds, railroads and cities over Poland. After the Germans did this this started World War Two.
  • Hitler launched a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway

    Hitler launched a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway
    Hitler launched an attack on Denmark and Norway to "protect them from freedom and independence" but he planned to build bases along the coasts to strike at Great Britain.
  • Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender

    Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender
    France had lost the battle to an allied Germany and Italy and Hitler handed France his terms of surrender.
  • 2000 German planes ranged over Britain

    2000 German planes ranged over Britain
    Every night for two months bombers pounded London with bombs.
  • The Raf shot down 185 German planes

    The Raf shot down 185 German planes
    With the help of the radar British Pilots accurately plotted the flight paths of Germany. They successfully shot down 185 German planes.