German Expansion

  • "Union" with Austria

    Germany marched troops into Austria and took over successfully thanks to a supporting majority who favored union.
  • Sudetenland

    Hitler manages to convince French premier and British prime minister to turn over Sudetenland as his "last territorial demand". (Spoiler alert, it's not)
  • Hitler continues to be Hitler

    As spoiled by the last event, Hitler was nowhere near done in the expansion of his empire. German troops took over what was left of Czechslovakia.
  • Poland is Blitzkrieg'ed

    The German air force began dropping bombs on any populated area possible, spreading widespread terror and ocnfusion. The Soviet Union ended up attacking Poland from the east and grabbed whatever territory was left while Germany annexed west Poland.
  • Stalin gets stuff done

    After annexing the Baltic states, Stalin attacks Finland and successfully conquers.
  • Hitler has a messiah complex

    Surprise! Gets who invades Denmark and Norway? None other than our favorite Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler! Except instead of using false claims of unfair treatment of the country's German citizens, he claims he's only protecting Norway and Denmark's independence.
  • Hitler owns Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium

    All three countries were overrun and taken over by the end of May, the British prime minister and the French premier are probably realizing how bad they messed up by now.
  • France surrenders

    So I guess France's Eiffel Tower really isn't super-secret military weapon otherwise they would've used it here. In a super dramatic battle France ends up surrending to Germany for the time being.
  • Germany prepares to attack Britain

    (To be fairly honest if I was a fascist world leader hellbent on building an empire, even I wouldn't attack Britain. I swear England's queen seems like she could kill with a look, way too scary) Germany began to assemble a naval fleet and an air war at the same time, they bombed London for two whole months.
  • Britain chases off Germany

    Britain's Royal Air Force manages to best Germany's air force and at least gets the relentless Hitler to retreat.