
German Expansion Timeline

  • Hitler meets with military advisers.

    Hitler met with his military advisers declaring that to grow and prosper Germany needed territory from neighboring countries.
  • Period: to

    German Expansion Timeline

  • Hitler Plans Ahead

    Hitler and his generals were drawing up a plan for the occupation of Czechoslovakia.
  • German troops marched to Austria

  • Allies declared war

    Allies declared war on Germany on 3rd September 1939. Hitler had Poland within 4 weeks, Hitler divided it up with Russia.
  • Hitler issues German to prepare

    On the 24th November 1938, Hitler issued all German armed forces to prepare to take the free state of Danzig.
  • Daladier and Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement handing over Sudetenland to Germany

    Daladier and Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement handing over Sudetenland to Germany
  • Pact of Steel

    Pact of Steel
    Hitler signed the pact of steel in May 1939, with Italy claiming that they would come to each others side immediately in the event of war.
  • Nazi-Soviet Non-agression pact

    called the Nazi-Soviet Non-agression pact, signed in August 1939, The British had now lost Russia as an Ally.
  • Hitler invades Czechoslovakia

    Hitler invades the rest of Czechoslovakia on the 15th March 1939. What Hitler gained from doing this was
    -45 divisions
    -1582 aircraft
    -469 tanks
    -2,000,000 trained men
  • Non Aggression Pact

    agreement in which two nations promised not to go to war with each other
  • German forces roared over Poland

    German Air Forces roared over Poland, raining bombs on military bases.
  • WW2 Begins

    Two days following the terror in Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany--WW2 begins!!
  • Fled to Dunkirk

    Fled to Dunkirk
    The german offensive trapped almost 400,000 British and French Soldiers as they fled to the beaches of Dunkirk on the French side of the English Channel. In less than a week, a makeshift fleet of fishing trawlers, tugboats, river barges ferried about 330,000 British, French, and Belgian troops to safety across the channel.
  • Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender.

    Hitler handed French officers his terms of surrender.
  • RAF Defense

    RAF Defense
    The RAF shot down over 128 German planes, six weeks later Hitler called off the invasion of Britain indefinitely.