Victor emmanuel II become king of Sardinia
He retain his nation -
Covar become prime minster of sardinia-piedomnot
He is a liberal state men and he stregthen the country by promoting industries and building rail road,impriving agriculture,fostering education, and enlarging the army -
Cavour secured from Napoleon the III an army that would protected them if Sardinia became under attack,Cavour started a war with Austria.The French-Sardian army defeat Austria and Austria conceded Lombardy to Sardinia -
Creation of the kingdom of Italy
Combine the kingdom of the Two Sicilies to create the Kingdom of Italy -
The Duchies
In 1860,Garibaldi helped the sicilian and the napolitan revolutionarie.After this Garibaldi conquered both sicilies -
Danish War
Bismark started a war with Denmark over the provinces Schleswig and holstein. -
Austro-Prussian War
Bismarck fough with austria about administration of the conquer provinces. -
Establishment of the North German Confederation
After the austro-Prussian was bismarck annex several german state and compeled the remaining one to join in oppresion dominated north German Confederation -
Covor Dies
After he dies was called the brain of unification -
Franco-Prussian War
Bismarck wanted to start a war with France so that the south German would merged into oppresion control unifed Germany. so Napeleon III opposed the Prussian.After this Bismarck provoked Napoleon III to the Franco-Prussian War -
Because of the Franco-Prussian war, French retrieved their troop from the pope.So the italian forces took the city and rome was part of Italy. -
Establishment with the German Empire
During the Franco-Prussian War the four south German state agrrd to unifed with Prussia. 1871 Bismarck Claimed Willaim the I as emperor of the the German empire