Period: to
Gerald Ford
Ford begins his Law Career
Some time in the summer of 1937 -
Joined the US navy
Ford runs for congress
Marrage to his wife Elizabeth Bloomer Warren
Signed the paris Peace accords
This formaly ended US envolvement in the vietnam war. -
Sworn into office
The fall of Sigon
This was wen Sigon (south Vietnams capital) fell, to the north Vietnamise communist forces. It lasted from Aprl 29th to Aprl 30th. Anyone of major importance in south vietnam was withdrawn, along with all Marine embacy guards. -
First attempted assionation
Second attempted assionation
Appointed John Paul Stevens to the US supprme court
This was his only appointment to the supreme court. Besides Stevens appointment, Ford appointed 11 judges to the United States Courts of Appeals, and 50 judges to the United States district courts. -
Carter is sworn in as the new pres
Ford dies at 96 in his Calafornia home