Gerald Ford

By guaigua
  • 1st Press Conference.

    1st Press Conference.
    Ford holds his first press conference as president and says; "When questions about the possibilities as a party for former pres. Nixon, he replies that he is not ruling it out."
  • Ford Pardons Nixon!

    Ford Pardons Nixon!
    President Ford granted a full and free absolute pardon to former President Nixon
  • 38th President

    38th President
    Gerald R. Ford was sworn in a as the 38th President of the United States of America.

    Ford signs the federal election campaign act of 1974 the most significant attempt at campgain finance reform since the 1920's
  • "WIN"

    The President announces his "WIN" campaign (whip inflation Now). Which is a campaign where he encourages personal savings and disciplined spending habits in combination with public measures.
  • Ford visits Japan

    Ford visits Japan
    Ford makes a visit to Japan, He is the first American President to visit Japan.
  • Ford signs the privacy ACT.

    Ford sigsn the Privacy Act of 1974, ensurring the right of American to individual privacy.
  • Ford "relucntantly" signs the Tax reduction Act.

    Ford tells the nation that he will reluctantly signs the tax reduction Act of 1975. Which calls for 22.8 billion tax
  • Leaves to his 2nd trip to Europe

    President Ford elaves to his 2nd trip to Europe where he will sign the Helsinki Accords on European Security inc.
  • signs treaty with soviets.

    signs treaty with soviets.
    Ford signs a treaty with the soviet union limiting the under ground nuclear testing.