Jan 1, 1439
Invention of printing press
Mass printing of documents was created, however the majority of people counldn't read, it was mainly well educated people such as priest who could read and used these skills to read the Bible etc. -
The journal was invented
Most people still couldn't read when journals were invented however they were useful for scientists and inventors for further enhancing science. -
First magazine was published
The very first magazine was published in London. It was printed monthly, which shows printing technology had advanced rappidly. Most people showed and interest in the magazine, giving it a wider audience than any previously published documents, regardless of most people still not being able to read. -
First major newspaper was created (The Times)
The technology at this point allowed for the newspaper to be printed daily. It allowed people to be informed of what is going on on a daily basis therefore speeding events up. -
Telephone was invented
This sped up communication, including over long distance as England were quickly able to get connected to America. The telephone was maily used for business. -
The home telephone was created
The invention of the home telephone allowed the general public to communicate with each other and not just be used for business persons. They could only be afforded by those who were weathly. -
BBC radio was created
Radio broadcasting was the first type of mass media. It was very popular as it transmitted information directly to people's homes. It was frequently used by Hitler to help him gain support during the war. -
BBC begins broadcasting TV in the UK
Tis was an even more poweful form of mass media than radio. It was state owned and was designed to inform, educate and entertain the public. it covered things like war and big events. there are now roughly 24 million TV's in the UK. -
Invetion of the Internet
The internet was originally created so that the american military could communicate with different bases if one was destroyed so that if they lost contact with one of the bases, they could all still communicate with the others. -
Cable TV became widely available
This allowed people to view a lot more channels than the 3 terrestrial that existed at the time. -
First UK mobile phone
The first UK mobile phone costed £2000 and wieghed as much as a bag of sugar. You could only talk for half an hour at a time and it was used for business purposes. -
Sky TV was invented
This was very high tech and worked by beaming satellites from space. There were hundreds of channels which was a big difference from the number of channels which people could watch previously. -
World Wide Web
This way a new way of finding information via the internet. People were also able to buy and sell things to people who lived far away. -
3G mobile phone
This was the first phone with which people were able to take pictures and videos. This allowed people to be their own reporters by instantly capturing images anywhere and sharing them. -
Web 2.0 was created
When web 2.0 was created the internet it expanded the range of things which people used the internet for e.g. people began to use social networks such as Bebo/Myspace. -
4G Mobile
This included high speed internet access which meant that the connection was much quicker and therefore not as much time was required to research things and people could communicate more quickly also. -
Web 3.0 begins to emerge
This is integrated internet which finds/organises/arranges things on a person's behalf via clouds. -
First text message was sent
This was a new and exciting way of communicating with people and soon became the most popular form of instant comms.