Georgia flag

Georgia vs United States History

  • Treaty of Utrecht (US History)

  • Yamasee War (Georgia)

    Yamasee War (Georgia)
    They had a good relationship with the British colonist. They work beside one another and learned from each other. This was the start of Georgia's history and was the first time Georgia was set as a colony in the new world.
    Justification: This was important because the Cherokee backed the British into the Creeks. It is what started decades of war between the creek and Cherokees which were the first people in Georgia before the Spanish came over.
  • Georgia was founded in 1730 (Georgia)

    Georgia was founded in 1730 (Georgia)
    Georgia was founded in 1730 by James Oglethorpe and the he made Savannah one of the first cities. Savannah was the perfect spot for ships to land and for more people to enter the colony. Many trades and services were made through Savannah and Georgia had the resources to grow crops and help from the Native Americans.
    Justification: This is important because Georgia's history started by a man named Oglethorpe and he continued to move Georgia along during the colonial era.
  • First Public Library was founded (US History)

  • Colonial Era in Georgia (GA)

    Colonial Era in Georgia (GA)
    The first Settlement was in Savannah Georgia. James Oglethorpe was the one to establish the colony. Georgia had a board called the Board of Trustees and this was the only state to have it. At first Slavery was banned in the state of Georgia along with other things. Georgia was the last of the states to decided to break from Britain.
    Justification: This is important time in history because this is the beginning of Georgia's history and how it was formed.
  • Colonial Era in U.S. History (US)

    The beginning of the Colonial Era for America.
  • Siege of Savannah (GA)

    Siege of Savannah (GA)
    This was the worse military confrontation between British and America. this was the second deadliest battle. This is were the continental army tried to defeat the British and take back Savannah. In this battle the French joined to try to gain control and help defeat the British. The French made every thing they could to win Savannah back but at first the French couldn't get on shore so they had to stay in the boats.
    Justification: This is it was the turning point in the war against Britain.
  • American Revolutionary War (US History)

    this is the year the war stared.
  • Georgia becomes a State (GA)

    Georgia becomes a State (GA)
    Georgia was the fourth state to join the union. There was three people from Georgia that signed the Declaration of Independence. Their names were Gwinnett, Hall, and Walton. It was resigned in 1788 for Georgia to enter the Union. The first Capital of Georgia was actually Savannah but was moved to Augusta after the Siege of Savannah.
    Justification: This was important to our history because it showed us what had to happen for Georgia to finally become a state in the union.
  • The Constitution is Ratified by nine states (US History)

  • Cotton Gin (GA)

    Cotton Gin (GA)
    This was a major tool used in the 1793 to help cotton owners sell cotton faster, It was created by Eli Whitney. it made if faster to pick and clean cotton which made it were they could pick and sell more cotton. Which made the need for more slaves to work the field which made it increase. Without the Cotton Gin slavery was almost to the point of dying out.
    Justification: The importance of this machine was to make cotton picking easier. With slavery increasing it made way for the civil war.
  • George Washington serves his second term as president. (US)

  • Cherokee Indians (GA)

    Cherokee Indians (GA)
    They were one of the first people the Georgia Colonist came into contact with when they came over from Britain. during this time the Cherokee had their own land and they also had their own government. They didn't call Georgia, "Georgia" during this time because Oglethorpe was the one to found it but they had their own laws and rules.
    Justification: This stands out because it makes you aware of how Georgia was before the colonist showed up and how Georgia was discovered.
  • Period: to

    Antebellum Era in Georgia (GA)

    Slavery was made legal and made of about half of the population. Even when the trustees said no to slavery it was later found that the plantation economy was successful so slavery was added. Georgia landowners wanted to make sure that slavery continued for their gain. There was still many that didn't believe in slavery but the south wanted it because the profit was greater.
    Justification: This was important because it was a turning point in Georgia's history and it was the start of slavery.
  • Period: to

    Antebellum Era (US)

    The north was against slavery even during the Revolution.
  • Library of Congress was established (US)

  • Georgia's Gold Rush (GA)

    Georgia's Gold Rush (GA)
    Thousands of people came to the northern parts of Georgia looking for gold. People went so crazy trying to make it rich that they didn't care about the laws and they were even bold enough to kill for the gold. the only thing is it was a long process you didn't find gold right off the bat and you could go days or longer without finding any. Justification: This spiked Georgia's economy for a little while and started people's greed for Gold.
  • Andrew Jackson becomes the 7th President (US)

  • Worcester v. Georgia (GA)

    Worcester v. Georgia (GA)
    Supreme Court ruled that Cherokee Indians constituted Nation holdings. This didn't stop them from being pushed out of their homes or off their land. Most of this came from the colonist wanting their land. The Cherokees were living in "state declared boundaries". They took away their laws and land not letting them have a say in what happened.
    Justification: This is an important part of Georgia history because it showed what happened between the Indians and British settlers and their greed.
  • Ordinance of Nullification is passed (US)

  • Indian Removal in Georgia (GA)

    Indian Removal in Georgia (GA)
    This was also known as the "Trail of Tears". This is near the time of the gold rush and was when people wanted the land for gold and growing crops. They decided to take the land by force making where the Native Americans had to pack up and move. Justification: This is important because it was just the start of what Georgia would do to get what they wanted. Even if that was making it unfair to others whether there was conflict or not. Georgia was hungry for money.
  • California Gold Rush (US)

    Most moved out to California to make it rich.
  • Slavery (GA)

    Slavery (GA)
    Slavery was one of the biggest controversy in Georgia. many slave owners had twenty plus slaves and many of them were families. they had slave cabins were their slaves lived and raised their families. Many planation owners wanted to make sure they made a profit when selling cotton. People in the south believed it was just a natural way of live and that made people think it was ok to work people the say they did.
    Justification: This was important, it was what started the Civil War.
  • Slavery in the United States (US)

    Not all states had Slaves in the North they were called Free States.
  • Abraham Lincoln becomes President (US)

    Lincoln was elected President shortly before South Caroline Secession from the Union.
  • Georgia Seceded from the Union (GA)

    Georgia Seceded from the Union (GA)
    Georgia decided to secede from the Union so that they could make their own choices about how they wanted their state ran. They didn't want the north telling them what they could do and what they needed to do. They wanted to be able to keep slaves and work them in their cotton fields to make more money. They believed slaves working in their fields was the best and only way they would be able to make a profit.
    Justification: This important because it is the starting point of the Civil War.
  • Civil War U.S. History (US)

    The north and south fought to end Slavery.
  • Civil War in Georgia (GA)

    Civil War in Georgia (GA)
    In Georgia the civil war was fought in multiple places in the state because Sherman was trying to make his way to Savannah to stop the south for having slaves. After Georgia seceded from the union. there was three important battles the battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Chickamauga, and Resaca. Sherman cut off the supply line to the South and made it difficult for them to continue the war without supplies.
    Justification: Georgia changed forever during this time. It was what shaped the New Georgia
  • Battle of Chickamauga (GA)

    Battle of Chickamauga (GA)
    This battle was the second bloodiest battle in the Civil war. This was a long battle and Braggs men tried to gain ground. The confederate had a chance when Gen. Longstreet's division showed up. This battle lasted for days and many of the generals on the confederate side died. 16,000 Union soldiers and 18000 confederate causalities which was a big defeat for the south.
    Justification: It is important because this was the start of GA's involvement in the war and also a big turning point.
  • Battle of Gettysburg (US)

    the number one bloodiest battles in the civil war.
  • President Abraham Lincoln was re-elected in November (US)

  • Sherman's March to the Sea (GA)

    Sherman's March to the Sea (GA)
    Sherman's goal was to make it to Savannah Georgia and on the way he was trying to cut off the souths supply line. He didn't have a care in the world of who he killed on his way to the Sea. He had some set backs on his way one being in Kennesaw but it didn't stop him from continuing his journey.
    Justification: This was important to Georgia's history because it was a step in stone to Georgia's future and the Georgia we know today.
  • The Coinage Act (US)

    added In God We Trust on the two cent piece.
  • Battle of Kennesaw Mountain (GA)

    Battle of Kennesaw Mountain (GA)
    This war was a turning point of the war. This is one of the only places were the South was able to out smart Sherman making it hard for him to win. It was also one of the bloodiest battles in Georgia. It was also know for the battle of Dead Angle with wasn't on the mountain but was a big deal in the war. Most of the soldiers on the top of the mountain saw the enemy coming.
    Justification: This is important because it was the first battle to make the south think they had a chance to win the war.
  • Andrew Johnson becomes President (US)

  • Georgia's Reconstruction (GA)

    Georgia's Reconstruction (GA)
    During this time Georgia had to figure out how to make a living without the use of slaves. they also had to clean up their lives after the war and rebuild what they once had. Most of the farmers had to figure out a way to grow crops because the weather was not good for growing crops and the soil was not easy to work with.
    Justification: This part of history is important because it is the second time Georgia had to rebuild and they grew better from each time they rebuilt the state.
  • Freedmen's Bureau (GA)

    Freedmen's Bureau (GA)
    This started off a government agency called Bureau of Refugees, freedom, and Abandoned lands. It was formed to help former slaves with starting their new free lives. They were there to provide clothes, fuel , and food. they also provided temporary shelters for the former slaves as well. They also helped their families as well.
    Justification: This is important because it showed what happened to the former slaves to help them with there lives after they were freed from slavery.
  • The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (US)

  • The General Assembly's (GA)

    The General Assembly's (GA)
    This is were 27 Black Republicans were elected even if the Republicans had both the governorship and senate. This went along with the Camilla Massacre that killed 12 black protestors and wounded 30. As a result the government ban Georgia congressmen and had to reimpose military rule.
    Justification: It was an important lesson learned in the south where they tried to step over what the government ruled and not follow what laws and rules they needed to. this caused people to get hurt.
  • Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson (US)

  • 15th Amendment (US)

    this gave African American men the right to vote.
  • Readmission to the Union (GA)

    Readmission to the Union (GA)
    Georgia was denied two times before finally being read missioned to the union. Mostly because Georgia didn't what to change their ways and wanted nothing to do with the north's laws. Georgia wanted to keep farming and growing cotton the way they did before the war. They also didn't want to give former slaves the rights they deserved. This set Georgia back because they couldn't continue without these changes.
    Justification: This was important because it shaped Georgia's understanding of change.
  • 19 Amendment was passed (US)

    gave women the right to vote
  • The New Deal and Great Depression (GA)

    The New Deal and Great Depression (GA)
    The New Deal was suppose to be Georgia's way out of the Great Depression. Georgia was hit hard during this time because they were still in the process of rebuilding after the Civil War. President Roosevelt meet with different Georgia citizens to find a solution to the depression and to help people get out of the hole of the depression.
    Justification: This was a low point in Georgia's history but an important part because it showed that Georgia was a fighter and nothing was stopping the state.
  • Georgia and the 19th Amendment (GA)

    Georgia and the 19th Amendment (GA)
    Georgia was the first of 10 different states to vote against women having the right to vote. back in 1920 it became a federal law that allowed women the right to vote but Georgia did not make it a law until1922. this Amendment was officially ratified in 1970. Justification: This important part of history made it impossible for women to have rights to vote and rights for other things for a while. Which like the African Americans it wasn't fair for them to not have these rights as well.
  • World War 2 (US)

  • Georgia's role in World War 2 (GA)

    Georgia's role in World War 2 (GA)
    Georgia had many of its citizens serving in the military during the second world war. there was over 320,000 people from Georgia. The second World War also jumped started Georgia to change their ways and the race relations. They realized they were fighting a war of race and that they were no better then the enemy because they were doing the same thing. So as the war continued they made changes in Georgia to stop racism.
    Justification: This is important because caused big changes for Georgia.
  • Pearl Harbor was attacked (US)

  • Civil Rights Movement (GA)

    Civil Rights Movement (GA)
    After the Civil War many African Americans were promised a new beginning that unfortunately didn't happen like they were promised. Many were not given the promises they were told and had to go back to working the fields they once worked on. They were free from the slave owners and they shared the profit they earned. This movement was created to give the the same rights as their precious owners.
    Justification: This movements importance started to change how African Americans were treated.
  • McCarran Internal Security Act (GA)