Jan 1, 1000
The paleo indians were the people lived in mountians and cave.their wepon was spearheads and rocks they had to hunt bison and hunt anmials that were not esese. they had to have something to eat.The paleo indians wore anmials skin and women had to turn anmial skin into dress.Thier home was bones and sticks have animal skin to civer there home. -
Jan 1, 1000
The archic indians were the people who lived in pithouse and caves.their are the seasonal imgration thier wepon were smaller tiners spearhead more ponited. the archaic people food are smaller games animals deer,turkey,bear,fish oysters shellfish-nuts and bears. large game animal are now extint climate change to change. their trade was newly dare of forgivin trade. -
Jan 1, 1000
The woodland indinas thier lyfesyle were living areas for long periods no longer nomadic more.thier food were hunting rice and meat. thier clothing were animal skin and head bands.they wepons are bow-arrow. -
Jan 1, 1000
the missipian was civilzation formed goverment freedom socail ranking.their thechology were rocks sticks statues and jewlrey.there food is live off the agricultere corn beans meat .exenive trade networks shells in the midwest. -
Nov 12, 1540
hernando de soto
hernando de soto left havna cuba with a hug group of six hundred mens and other animals sveral rules and dogs. they landed in flordia and headed north in 1540 they enter the south western part of georgia. close tp present day albany desoto and his wanted one thing they moved across the state to find gold. his solders killed a tousand of native american with dissese. de soto and his men didnt find the the gold. his mission was failed. -
georgia founded
a charter to settle a new colony whitch they named gerogia in honor of king gorge.they grant eastash.land between the savannah andd altamha rivers as well thewaters of these rivers. georgia's trustee oglethorpe and twenty-one thermen established that no man was to make prfit of the settlement once the charter was finalized the men brought it to the they or king george in 1732 king george under the oglethrope and 13 colonies. -
Period: to
charter of 1732
the colines of 1732 who sigin the charter was james ogeltorpe and king george. -
salzburgers arrive
the catholic archbiship of salzburgers exoelied german protestants from the region in present day. in 1731 and england king george ii. offered them refuge in the new colony of georgia. some 300 salzburgers following paster johann ,artin bolzius of acepted the invataion. -
John Reynolds
John Reynolds was the royal navy.He was born in england he went to gerogia on oct 29 1754. the poor told him that he was force to leave georgia he got mad that he went back to england . he was replace as the first royal gov. -
Henry eills
Henry ellis was the second royal gov.when he was -
james wright
james wright was the tird and last royal governor of gerogia serving from 1760 to 1782.he played a key role in retarding the flame of revolution in georgia long after it had flared vlonetly in every other colony. he sailed to london never to return. -
Period: to
capital moved to louisville
Louisville the county seat of jefferson county,also served aas georgia as third capital from 1796 until 1807. the town was as the result of boath large scale imgration the georgia up country after the american revolution [1775-83] and the desire of many georgians to enhance the states commercail prosperty. -
Universty of Georgia founded
Uga was founded in 1785. it had turn into college universty.the general assembly.uga was founded to aman named abram boldwin from yale universty. -
Kansas-Nebraska act
A law marching that poplar so venetiy be used to determine free or slave.poplar so vergianty = voting pro slavery setters [mission] and slavery setters from iowa clash and roits some killed beeding Kansas slavey can travel.