Georgia History Timeline Project Checkpoint #3

  • Leo Frank Case

    Leo Frank Case
    (check date) Mary Phagan was murdered and raped after going to the factory she worked at to get her pay. Leo Frank was arrested for this case, being sentenced to life in prison. He later got hanged by people wanting justice for Mary.
  • Tom Watson and the Populists

    Tom Watson and the Populists
    The populists were led by Thomas, this party mainly attracted white farmers. The Populists challenged the Democratic Party greatly,but populism only went around Georgia for a short amount of time.
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    International Cotton Exposition

    The expositions were formed to help invest in the cotton industrialization. This exposition helped Georgia greatly in growth.
  • Henry Grady

    Henry Grady
    Henry was an editor for the Atlanta Constitution newspaper. He used his influence to help Georgia grow greatly.
  • Booker T. Washington

    Booker T. Washington
    Booker founded an institute, which was a black school to help train teachers. He also served as a mentor/adviser to two presidents.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    This court case was held because Homer Plessy didn't and refused to sit in a car for just blacks. "Jim Crow" laws were encouraged after this case was held.
  • Alonzo Herndon

    Alonzo Herndon
    He was an African American man who was the founder of the Atlanta Life Insurance Company, being very successful in his business. He was Atlanta's most rich black citizen, being respected by many.
  • 1906 Atlanta Riot

    1906 Atlanta Riot
    Due to many newspapers stating that four white women were being assaulted, many white men and boys set off down the streets of Atlanta, assaulting many blacks a long the way. The Mayor tried to calm the mob but unfortunately failed in doing so.
  • WEB DuBois

    WEB DuBois
    WEB was a very smart man teaching in Harvard and other top schools. He published many books, helped edited many magazines, and more but his most known and most outstanding piece of work was, 'Souls of Black Folk'.
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    World War I

    This war started due to the assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand. After this occurrence, the many different countries across the world started declaring war on the others. With the ones that were not claiming war on the other meant that they were on almost like a team together known as the ‘Allied Powers’ and the ‘Central Powers.
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    County Unit System

    This was a voting System commonly used in Georgia for a long time. It was used to help determine who won the election.
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    Great Depression

    This hit many states hard but hit Georgia extra due to it’s drought and the boll wevil outbreak. The Depression was still going whenever FDR became my president and he helped greatly in trying to get rid of it making the ‘New Deal’.
  • Agricultural Adjustment Act

    Agricultural Adjustment Act
    The Government offered the farmers subsides in exchange for the farmers to limit the amount of certain crops they produce. The subsides were meant to help the farmers by reducing the amount of things they could sell, the higher the demand and price would be.
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    The Holocaust was a very tragic and heartbreaking thing that happened, where 6 million Jews were murdered and prosecuted. The person that made all of this happen was Hitler.
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Civilian Conservation Corps
    This program helped millions of unemployed men get employment by working on environmental projects during the great depression. This program only lasted 9 years but helped greatly.
  • Richard Russell

    Richard Russell
    He served as the Governor of Georgia and was also a U.S. senator. He served as a U.S. senator until his death.
  • Eugene Talmadge

    Eugene Talmadge
    He was very opposed to the New Deal, he was one of some Georgians who hated it. He was also opposed to Franklin D. Roosevelt being re-elected.
  • Carl Vinson

    Carl Vinson
    Carl Vinson was known as, "the father of the two-ocean navy". He helped the United States Navy greatly.
  • Social Security

    Social Security
    Social Security was originally named 'Social Security Board. This
    was a new entity that required no employees, no facilities, and no budget.
  • Rural Electrification

    Rural Electrification
    This was a low-cost loan for the Government to give to farmers so people in rural areas (specifically farms) could have electricity.This law was most useful in Georgia more than 70% of the population had no power.
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    World War II

    This was one of the largest wars in history with the most amount of deaths in a war. This war also had the terrible and tragic Holocaust.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    This was an act that was supposed to help other countries during WW2 by helping mostly Great Britain with supplies. This act also helped the United States help not enter another war, until they were attacked by Japan.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was a United states naval base that was attacked just before 8 A.M. on a Sunday. The Japanese thought by doing this is would weaken the United States navy and they wouldn't enter the war. The exact opposite happened.