Georgia History Timeline Project

  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to


    The Mississippian Indians were the most advanced civilization . They stayed in one place ( villages ) due to advanced agriculture . These Indians had first contact with Europeans .
  • May 21, 1542

    Hernando de Soto

    Hernando de Soto
    Hernando de Soto was a Spanish explorer . When he was young he traveled to the West Indes and made a fortune in the Central American slave trade . Hernando ran into an impoverished explorer names Pizarro .
  • Charter of 1732

    Charter of 1732
    The Georgia Charter granted an area of " all those lands , Countries and Territory . " No TRUSTEE could hold land or hold office .
  • Oglethorpe Arrives

    Oglethorpe Arrives
    James Oglethorpe was born in London , England . Oglethorpe thought he would help people who needed work . He wanted to start a colony in North America .
  • Salzburgers Arrive

    Salzburgers Arrive
    The Salzburgers deep spiritually , strong work ethic , and independent spirt served the community well , they thrived in the years before The American Revolution and built the first water - driven Gist Mill in Georgia , and established the first Sunday school and the first orphanage .
  • Highland Scots Arrive

    Highland Scots Arrive
    When the Highland Scots migrated in america , North Carolina was a more popular place to settle than any of the other colonies .
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The American Revolution ( American War of Independent ) was waged between the American colonies and Great Britain ( 1775 - 1783 ) , leading to the formation of the independent United States of America .
  • Battle of Kettle Creek

    Battle of Kettle Creek
    The Battle of Kettle Creek was a major encounter in the back country of Georgia during the American Revolutionary War . It was fought in Wilkes County about eight miles from present day
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention took place from May 14 to September 17 , 1787 , in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . The point of event was decided how America was going to be governored .
  • Georgia Ratifies Constitution

    Georgia Ratifies Constitution
    In October 1776 , just three months after the America colonies declared independence from Great Britian , Georgia's first constitutional convection met and produced the states inaugural constitution , known as the of 1777 .
  • Austin Dabney

    Austin Dabney
    Austin Dabney was a was a slave who fought against the British
    in the American Revolutionary War . He was born a mulatto slave in Wake County .