Jan 1, 1000
Leo Frank Case
Leo Frank was charged with rape and murder of a young girl (13 years of age). This took place in the capital of Georgia, Atlanta. This young girl worked in his factory for approximately $1.20 each 12 hours. Frank was nervous at the time they took him from his house which was suspicious. Also to add to the story, a black janitor was caught cleaning blood off a shirt and was later accused of helping dispose of the body. -
Jan 1, 1000
Paleo means 'long ago'. No one really rememebers them, and they became extinct around 9,000 years before now. They are known for being the first people in Americus. People also believe that they were nomadic people meaning that they move around alot. These indians were at first known to hunt and kill small animals, they worked very hard for their food. The Paleo Indians did not leave anything behide, not even their religious beliefs. -
Jan 1, 1000
Archiac people were hunters and gatherers, they lived in small houses and in small social groups.This event was divided into groups, know as early, middle and late. They were found in Piedmont and Blue Ridge Regions and about 3,000 to 10,000 years ago. Living near rivers was convenient for them to get water, hunt/fish and gather food. -
Jan 1, 1000
Salzburgers Arrive
This is a group of German speaking protest. This means they speak whats on their mind. There was one group of Salzburgers that was from England. This was the first group to come from there in 1734 -
Jan 1, 1000
Woodland was formed in 1932 to show the history that wasn't the same as others. Native people and foods are apart of these clans. The Indians in this clans were into make and shaping pottery and also growing ands sharing crops. Rene Goulaine De Laudonnniere was the first European contact for these Indians. -
Jan 1, 1000
Missouri Compromise
This is actually a time for congress to take action.The people that created the "Mississppi Compromise" were not against slavery, as you can tell, they tried to get slavery to last another 30 years. The vote between "slavery" and "free states" were tied in the house of representives and senate. This is also know as " A settlement Dispute". -
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to
These Indians were horticulturalists which means they grow their own food, made their own tools, and collected their own food and things. Most of their life is outdoors, the shelters they made were only for sleeping. They also lived close to rivers for things such as, food, water, and resources. The Mississippian Indians made art that took time and was finely crafted. -
Jan 1, 1500
Hernando De Soto
Hernando De Soto was a Spanish explorer and was the first Explorer to cross The Mississippi River. He was born in spain around the time of 1500. His family was poor and lived in the family manor. De Soto's parents wished he had been a lawyer to make money for his poor family but chose to become a explorer. -
Period: to
Henry Ellis
Henry Ellis was an exlorer and was eager for discovery. Ellis was the second royal governor or GA. He was born and raised in Monaghan, Ireland. He was very talented and smart. -
Charter of 1732
For 20 years Georgia and its history was known as A Trustee Of Georgia. The Trustee was to own and run the colony. Second chances was what James Oglethorope was all about, he thought everyone deserves a second chance. -
Capital moved to Louisville
When the british left Louisville the capital actually moved to Augusta. This is also known as "Georgia's third Capital". This city is built on the Oconee River. Most were unhappy. -
Highlands Scots Arrive
Gabriel Johnston was a royal gov. and native Scotsman. He had encourged 360 Highlands to settle there in North Carolina. After give them a a ten year tax exemption. They also sailed to many araes in the now called U.S. -
Elijiah Clarke/ Kettle Cr.
Clarke was a survivor of The Reveloutionary War.Also he signed a petition supporting a kings government. In a victory, he led the battle at Kettle Creek. Passing throught the natives land with 30 other men, they continued to fight the Carolinas. -
American Revolution
The dates of the American Relolution was 1765-1783. This was between Great Britain and The U.S. The problem was because of the British Empire. But the Netherlands went to the colonys against Britian. -
Austin Dabney
Dabney was a slave and also fought against the British in the revolutionary war. Also he was the first black man to be granted land. He was born in Wake County, North Carolina. Dabney also moved with his master anywhere he went. -
University of Georgia founded
UGA is the bigggest and one of the most popular education schools in the United States. It was also the very first university that was created by a state government . Also UGA trys very hard to be the most liked and well educated school there is. Thier annual budget is around $1.4 bill for paying staff, lawn work, etc. -
Constitutional Convention
This Convention was held in Philadelphia. During the months of May and September because of the problems of the weak central government. This is because of the Articles of confederation. This didnt come into effect until 1789. -
Georgia Founded
Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe in 1788. King
George II sent Ogethorpe on a charter for him to create a colony. -
Georgia Ratifies Constitution
Even though the constitution didnt go through until the 28th, The short deed was desposited. This was soon after The Declaration of Independance. The first to be organized. -
Eli Whitney and the Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney created The Cotton Gin in 1794. The was made to get the seeds out of the cotton as fast as possible. This machine made little money at first but now days is used very often. Whitney aslo made other machines. -
Yazoo Land Fraud
This was a scheme in which the legislatures of Georgia was bribed by Mississippi. The price was $500,000 which was below the original marlet price. The U.S payed Georgia $1.25 million to make this problem stop. -
Period: to
John Reynolds
John Reynolds was a captian in the British Royal Navy. Not much is known about his early childhood except for the birth time are. Reynolds was looking for a command around the time of 1751 in England. One thing about him was he did not like to me intimadated. -
Dahlonega Gold Rush
The Dahlonega Gold Rush was one of the first few "Gold Rushes" of The United States. This gold rush casted over the past one in North Carolina. It started in Lumpkin County and spread throught the mountains in Georgia. -
Worcester vs. Georgia
A judge by the name of Cheif Justice Marshall did not agree that the state of Georgia had power to make nor enforce laws. Worcester felt that his constitutional rights were not being observed. Also more to add to this problem, the government tried to make a law that indians that were not in their own territory could not move except from where they originated from.The 14th amendant states that the government is not allowed to block a citizens right to purse happiness. -
Henry McNeal Turner
Turner was the very firt southern "Bishop" of a methodist. He was also a pioneer in the state of Georgia. Being born in South Carolina reading and writing was very important because no one had evr taught him. He was also chosen to be the first black chaplin of the "United Sates Colored Troops". -
Period: to
Trial of Tears
Andrew Jackson created a "Indian Removal Policy" so that The Cherokee Indians were forced to move away from their homeland. They had to move to Oklahoma. This then created "Trail of Tears". This happened beacause at the time whites did not approve of Indians. The Indians were not used ot the amount of rain, colder weather, ect. therefore there were sickess and death. -
Compromise of 1850
At this time 5 bills/laws were passed. The United States Congress passed these. Senator Henry Clay showed these resolutions to get a "compromise". This was a conflict between north and south. Also slave trade in Washington D.C was no longer okay. California also tried to get the "union" to become a free state. -
Georgia Platform
The Georgia Platform is a few resolutions that agreed to no slavery. This was not yet final but the state of Georgia said they would follow it. This was temporary but then became final. They felt that getting rid of slavery was the right thing to do. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
At this time, people in this act were against white men deciding if they wanted a certain place of land and if they wanted slaves and how they could treat them. This act was made by a senator known by the name of Stephen A. Douglas, also he was from Illinois. There were railroad opertaors that wanted to make tracks from all the empty land. There were debates over this decison not yet made. -
Tom Watson and the Populists
Born in Columbia, GA, Watson wanted to be a teacher, someone or something in a higher state of matter. His wish came true, he was a teacher until 1875 when he became someone high up in the Georgia's Legislature. This is when he became interested in making Georgia better. Georgia was having trouble reconstructing itself, Watson defended the old ways of Georgia when others didn't. Watson ran for U.S. president in 1904 and again in 1908, even though he didn't make it he still was proud or himself. -
Booker T. Washington
Booker was an advisor to the U.S. presidents, author, educator and also an orator. This African American man was at one time a leader of his own community. He was also apart of the last generation of slavery. Giving the "Atlanta Compromise" speech, gave him international fame. -
Alonzo Herndon
Herndon was an entrepreneur and alsoa barber. Being a president and founder a one of the most successfull black insurance businesses, he was one of the richest black men when he died. In Walton County, Herndon was born into slavery. He later moved to Atlanta and became a very wealthy man. -
Election of 1860
In this election, there were actually 4 men running for president. John Bell, John Breckinridge, Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln were the 4 seprate parties. Slavery was the main problem in the North and South. It was down to Brekinridge and Lincoln, and from Ilinois with a winning of 120 votes, Lincoln became the United States newest president. -
Period: to
Union Blockade of Georgia
This was ot make sure Confedercy wasn't trading. Abraham LIncoln was the creator of this. Most of the blockade runners were opened by the British. And most of the tries were successful. -
Period: to
Sherman's Atlanta Campaign
This is multiple battles fought in the Western Theater of the American Civil War. This was during the summer and Civil War of 1864. Sherman actually surrendered the war because he didn't win over his enemy. During May, there were over 15.000 reinforcements. Also Johnston had a plan to take on a strong defensive position. -
Battle of Antietam
George McClellanhad multiple people assalt Robert E. Lee in Maryland.There were 3 assults made on Robert E. Lee and his army. This gave Abraham Lincoln his happiness that he had defeted Lee. After this Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. -
Emancipation Proclamation
At this time, slavery was a big deal and Lincoln was here to make it go away. There werer 3-4 million slaves in the United States. Lincoln made alot of slaves free that were from the south although there were 10 states that rebeled againest this. When states in The United States did not agree to his idea of "slavery" going away, The Emancipation Proclamation was cretated and most slavery was put to rest. -
Battle of Gettysburg
This battle was fought in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It was between The Union and Confederate during the American Civil War. Also the Potomac won over the attacks on Robert E. Lee. This made it not available for him to invade the North. -
Battle of Chickamauga
Following The War of Gettysburg is The Battle of Chickamauga. This battle made it possible for the end of (Union) offensive. Also this battle was the best fought by the Union yet. This also was the very first big battle fought in Georgia. -
Period: to
Andersonville Prison Camp
Andersonville Prison Camp is founf in Ft. Sumter. And also is known for being having the largest prison population. Ther was also a 17ft high fence. The prisoners died rapidly. -
Period: to
Sherman's March to Sea
It all started when Sherman's troops left and went to Atlanta. Also, William Sherman stopped his supply line and marched to Atlantic Ocean. This pretty much destroyed the state of Georgia. After this happened, Sherman thought it was fine and was very generous. -
Freedman's Bureau
Freedman's Bureau is a bill to free women. This was a process created by Abraham Lincoln also. It was actually made to only last one year after the Civil War but turned out not to be. This was also during the reconstruction of the South. -
Thirteenth Amendment
The "Thirteenth Amendment" was to get rid of slavery once anf for all. The billhad to go through the house and senate. Althought most of the slavery was gone and done with, there still was more in the South becasue of the Emancipation Proclamation. This Amendment was to get rid of this forever. -
Ku Klux Plan Formed
The name comes from 3 powerful movements of The United States. Terrorism was a big problem and so was whites being in control. The religion was "Protestanism". It also was created in the Southern United States. -
WEB DuBois
DuBios was born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. He also graduated from University of Harvardand Berlin. Being the fist Afrian to get a Doctorate, he became a professor of history, economics and socicology. DuBois co-founded National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. -
Fourteenth Amendment
This amendment make sure that all citizens have citizens are treated fairly. This means there are no slaves. Everyone if forced to be treated the same. Respect is a big part in this. -
Fifthteenth Amendment
This Amendment was made so that everyone was allowed to votw after the age of 18. No matter the the color of your skin. By 1868 everyone was finally treated equal. The United States Supreme Court also had a big part in the amendment. -
John and Lugenia Hope
John Hope had a black mother and a white father, being the first to become a school president.He was also presidents and leader of alot of organizations. Lugenia Hope organized a Neighborhood Union and sometimes classes for young children. Financial aid for familys and clubs and health centers were her speicality. -
International Cotton Exposition
This was located in Oglethorpe Park. There were less than 40,000 people who lived in this area. Being the first "Interantional" expostition made it so exciting and nervous. Also most expostions were made around 1895. Displaying advanced crop planters and cotton seed cleaners. -
Carl Vinson
Vinson was the first person to serve more than 50 years in the House of Reps. He lost 3 terms. Serving in the House of Reps, he was the champion of defence. Also the youngest member of congress. -
Eugene Talmadge
Talmadge was born on a small farm around Forsyth. Also he attented UGA. He served as Governor and Commissioner of Agriculture. Talmadge was elected on the 4th term for the States Chief Executive but died before he got to go in office. -
Period: to
William B. Hartsfield
He was one of the best known governors of Atlanta. Serving 6 terms, this was the longest in Atlanta's history. At this time color was a big deal. All in all, he built the city's image. -
Benjamin Mays
Mays was a president of a college. Also he was a minister. A Civil Rights leader/ mentor for blacks. Mays aslo outspoke critics for segregation. -
Plessy v. Ferguson
This was to encourage "Seperate but Equal". 7 to 1 was the vote. This remained until 1954 Sumpreme Court with the decison of "Brown vs. Brown Education". Homer Plessy was arrested because of "Civil Disobedience" for the Segregation Law of Louisians. -
1906 Atlanta Riot
At this time, racial tensions were popular in Atlanta. Women did not have the right to vote, and black men had just got this right because they were more involved than ever before. Also, black people were building themselves a community while white people weren't happy they continued anyway. Hoke Smith, a publisher of Atlanta in the past, did not agree that blacks and whites so have the same equality. -
Period: to
Ivan Allen Jr.
He was born on March 15th, 1911. Allen served as mayor of Atlanta 1962-1970. Maintained the calm of the Civil Rights Movement. He also worked for his father after high school graduation. -
Herman Talmadge
He served as governor in Georgia. He reached out to only balck voters during 1970. Also he was a democrat. Talmadge was an opponent during the Civil Rights Legislation. -
Period: to
World War 1
Around 70 million military including 60 million Europeans were mobilised. A little bit over 9 million combatants and 7 million others died. This lasted for around 4 years. The allies also came together a year before the war ended. -
Lester Maddox
He made a political and social change. Maddox served as a cheif excutive. He also grew up in poverty. He married in 1936. -
County Unit System
This was a voting system that Georgia used. This was to determine elections primarily state wide. When the Georgia's Legislature was elected by The Democratic Party. Also this was made to be an infromational system. -
Jimmy Carter in Georgia
Jimmy Carter was from Georgia. He was elected president fro 1 term. Perviously he had been in the Navy. Also he founded the Carter Center. -
Period: to
James Wright
James Wright was a lawyer, jurist and a governor. He was also a cathlic and was born on Dec 13 1927. Wright was in school until 8th grade. He would get very nervous and have to go home from school. -
Martin Luther King Jr.
He was a Baptist Minister. He played a role in the American Civil Rights Movement. He was killed in 1968. His thought was followed by Ghandi. -
Period: to
Great Depression
This was one of the longest wars in American History. After the stock market crashed is when it all began. Everyone panicked, all buildings were going crazy. It didnt flly go back to normal until 1939. -
Andrew Young
He was born in New Orleans. This was during the Great Depression. This was also durning the JIm Crow times. Young was at a time a politician. -
Civilian Conservation Corps
Providing jobs for young men during the aftermath of the Great Depression. To enroll int he the most you could pay was $300,000. This conservation was for unmarried men ages 18-23. It then chaged the ages to 17-28. -
Agricultural Adjustment Act
President Roosevelt created the Agricultural Adjustment Act. This is also known as AAA.The court ruled this as unconstitutional. AAA did not end the Great Depression. -
Rural Electrification
This was to represent the independent federal bureau .After the the RE was shown as the U.S Dept of Agricultural. Also self liquidating loans was big part. Making telephone inprovements in 1988, they were permitted to have interest free loans. -
Social Security
The way Social Security has money is they are funded through payroll taxes. A few trust agencies is also helpful. The maxium amout of trust funds for 2015 is $118,500. All legal residents of Georgia are able to have social security. -
Period: to
World War II
Because someone developed nuclear weapons they then could use them in World War II. Also this war was between the Soviet Union and the U.S. So many people survived in those deep, dark holes for days. This was the last "big" war in the U.S. -
Period: to
6 million jews were killed at this time.This took place by the Nazis in Germany. One of the largest genocides in history. In total 11 million were killed. -
Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter
Holmes was known for desegregating Georgia Universities. He was one of the first African American students to admitted from UGA. Also he was one of the first oto be admitted to Emory Hospital. Where he was born, in Atlanta, Georgia -
Pearl Harobor
This was an attack on The Pearl Harbor. On Dec. 7th, 1941. This lead the U.S. to World War II. Japan had more weapons than us. -
Atlanta Hawks
The Hawks are a basketball team made in Atlanta Georgia. They compete in the NBA. Also they are members as a league of the Eastern Conference Southeast Division. Thye then merged. -
1946 Governor's Race
This was one of the most crasiest political things in Georgia. After the deazth of tghe last governor. They made a plan to get Ga to elect a Governor. Finally they settled. -
Brown vs. Board of Edu.
This ended segregation in schools. Most people agreed this would change history. But this was so more complex. The U.S Supreme Courtn had Brown vs. BoE under 5 names. -
1956 State Flag
Most flags were sown by wives. This was after the states seccession. This was in the newspaper withs a single star in the background. Known as the "Bonnie Blue Flag". -
Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott was a slave that lived with his owner until he had to go to missouri to be a work slave once again. At this time, black people were not allowed to be citizens so their opinion did not matter. Scott 's statement of black people not being citizens made abolitionists and people in the north and south go to war. Which happened 3 years later. -
Sibley Comission
In 1960 the Governor forced to decide between closing public schools or complying with a federal order. The committee was charged with gathering state residents. The report issued by the Sibley Commission laid the foundation.In 1959 U.S. District Court judge Frank Hooper ruled unconstitutional. -
Student Non- Violent Coordinating Committee
This was to give young blacks a voice. This started becasue of an act that happened in North Carolina. The students had to sit in. This also played a role in the Civil Rights Movement. -
The Albany Movement
The Albany Movement began in fall 1961 and ended in summer 1962. Albany was important because of King's involvement.Out of Albany's failure, then, came Birmingham's success.The civil rights led to jailing of more than 1,000 African -
March on Washington
This first happened in 1941. By a man that was a president of the Brothershood of Sleeping Car Porters. This continued after the Great Depression. He was called by 50.000 people. -
Civil Rights Act
This ended segregation. This was first purposed by JFK. This is also before the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Also this gave all men the right to vote. -
Atlanta Falcons
15th NFL franchise in Atlanta. They have became a mainstay of Atlanta's culture of sports. Also they are apart of the NFC. -
Atlanta Braves
This is an American baseball team. This was made in Atlanta since 1966. They have played for many yeara in Boston. Now played in Milwaukee. -
Maynard Jackson Elected Mayor
He was an elected mayor in Atlanta. First black to serve as mayor. Jackson served 8 years. He also folled the mayorship of Andrew Young. -
Richard Russell
He was a member of the Democratic party. Also he was a governor of Georgia. A U.S. Senate for round 40 years. He also was a canadiate for president. When he died he was the oldest person in office. -
1996 Olympic Games
Atlanta hosted the Olympics for 1996. This was the largetst undertaking for the city's history. It took more than 6 years to prepare. It cost $5.14 billion.