Jan 1, 1000
The Woodland Period witnessed the developement of many trends that began during the late Archaic Period. The early Woodland Period is marked by the continuation of many things that began during the late Archaic Period. The Middle Woodland Period was a time of social change and settlements became more permanet. The Late Woodland Period is the poorly understood evidence supports that many Woodland subperiods have been reversed, while other trends may have continued or even intensified. -
Jan 1, 1000
The Paleo time period starts on January1,1000 to the end of the Pleistocene ice age about a 7,000. The Paleo time period marks the first colonization of the New World by Homo Sapiens. People believe that the early people came to Americus from Asia. Archaeologist believe that the Indians migrated to Americus because of the large Pleistocene animals that they relied on for subsistence. During this period animals such as elephants, horses, and camels and other animals started to become endangered. -
Jan 1, 1000
The Archaic was a time period of changing climate in which areas became drier and warmer than it is today. They didvided this very long period into three main subperiods. Early, Middle, and Late. Tjey each were divided by culture. In the early subperiod large animals a as Bison etc. became extinct. The Middle subperiod the climate became drier and warmer. In the late subperiod the territories shranled in size. The perople traveled long distances to trade for exotic foods . -
Period: Jan 1, 1000 to
In Georgia the Mississippian period it is broken up in to earlt, Middle, and Late subperiods. In the Early Subperiod the first cheifdoms developed in the state. During the Middle subperiods powerful cheifdoms centered around towns and dominated the landscape. During the late Subperiod the large cheifdoms had broken apart into smaller groups whose centers were evenly distributed across Georgia's rivers and valleys. -
Nov 1, 1540
Hernando de Soto
Hernando de Soto was a spanish explorer and conquistador. He also led the first European Expedition into modern-day United States. He was the first documented European to have crossed the Mississppi river. In 1539 he set out for North America where he discovered the Mississippi River. He died of a fever on May 21, 1542 in Ferriday, Lousianna. -
Charter of 1732
The first twenty years of Georgia are known as Trustee Georgia. It is known as that because during the time the Board of Trustee governed Georgia. King George signed a charter establishing Georgia and creating Georgia's governing board on April,1732. -
Salzburgers Arrive
The Georgia Salzburgers were a group of German-speaking protestant colonists. They were founded in the town of Ebenezer which is now Effingham County. The Georgia Salzburgers were expelled from their home in the Catholic Principality of Salzburg. They have survived extreme challenges in both Europe and Georgia to establish a prosperous unique community. -
Highland Scots Arrive
The Highland Scots were broght by Oglethorpe to Georgia to fight. They were stationed in the New Inverness- Darien region. The Highlands relied on livestock and raised them. They searched for pasturage and learned the vast wiregrass country. They stretched across the Lowlands of Southeastern Georgia. The Scots formed caravans of pony carts and trailed with long lines of black cattle. -
Period: to
John Reynolds
John Reynolds was a captain in the British Royal Army. Later on he served as gerogia's first royal governor from 1754 to 1757. Around 1757 the government body turned against his actions. Later on the body of the governent recalled him back to England , where he originally was from, to give his testimony about his actions. Then Henry Ellis became his temporary replacement. In 1758 Reynolds had a case againt the board . He lost but didn't get punished he only had to resign as governor. -
Period: to
Henry Ellis
Henry Ellis was the second governor of Georgia. Before Henry Georgia had no self-government under the Trustees. The first governor, John Reynolds had failed so he replaced him. To put Georgia back in shape Ellis carried caregoes of slaves from Africa to Jamaica. Poor health forced Ellis to leave Georgia. He had to leave because he couldn't take the heat. -
Period: to
James Wright
James Wright was the third and the last royal governor of Georgia. James Wright was a popular and able administrator and servant of the crown. When Wright came to South carolina he parcticed law and purchased plantations and slaves. Later on he became attorney general of South Carolina. He later on became governor after poor health forced Ellis to leave. Wright enforced the Stamp Act, which ignited a revolution crisis because georgia was the only colony where stamps were sold. -
Period: to
American Revolution
The American Revolution was an armed conflict between Great Britian and the thirteen colonies. The war sparked because the thirteen colonies wanted to be independent from Great Britian. Early fighting took place on the North American Continent. Britain brought other countries into the war to help fight. Because people didn't want to pay the price of the British taxes also played a part in the war. -
Elijah Clarke / Kettle Cr.
Elijah Clarke was considered one of the heroes of the Revolutionary War. He was an illiterate frontiersman in Georgia. Elijah clarke served in the Kettle Creek Battleand was wounded badly. He was a lieutant colonel of militia and led chrge in the rebel victory of Kettle Creak, Georgia. This was considered one of the bloodiest battles in America. -
Austin Dabney
Austin Dabney was a slave who served during the Revolution. He was the only African American granted land by Georgia for his bravery. Austin Dabney was sent in the war as a substitute for his master. He was the only black soldier to participate in the Battle of Kettle Creek. He was severely wounded and Giles harris, a white soldier, took care of his wound. Dabney worked for Harris and his family for the rest of his life. -
Georgia Founded
Georgia is the youngest of the thirteen former English Colonies. Georgia was named after King George the second. Georgia was founded by James Olgethore. Georgia was the thirteenth and the last of the British Colonies. Georgia landscape sweeps from the Appalachian Mountians in the North to the marshes pf the Atlantic coast on the southeast to the Okefenokee Swamp. -
Capital Moved to Louisville
The commission appointed by the Legislature in 1786 to find a new site for the capital of Georgia. The Legislature directed that the new site will be called Louisville in honor of Louisville xvl of France. Despite the dsignation of the new capital city, Augusta still was the capital until Louisville was ready. Louisville was the third capital and obviously wasn't the last. -
Period: to
Constitutional Convention
The Constitutional Convention took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was made to adress the problems in governing the United Sates of America. The United Staes was operating under the articles of Confederation. It was planned to fix the Articles of Confederation but ended up creating new government. -
Georgia Ratifies Constitution
Georgia had to ratify the constitution because there was so much controversy. The delegates had voted to ratify the constitution unanimously. This was to make the United States become stable and stronger. Which it did because look at the United Staes today. -
Yazoo Land Fraud
Georgia governor George Mathews signed the Yazoo Act that transferred 35 million acres in Alabama and Mississippi to four companies for $500,000. James Gunn had arranged for the distibution of money. Commissioners in Georgia transferred the land and the Yazoo claims to the federal government. The United States paid Georgia 1.2 million and agreed to extinguish the remaining claims. -
Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was something put together by congress to stop the sectional and political rivalries that started because a request of Missouri. The slavery states wanted missouri to become a slavery state. At the time the United States was divided evenly between slavery states and anti-slavery states. -
Dahlonega Gold Rush
Dahlonega was a gold rush obviously. It got its name because a person found gold on Ward's Creek near Dahlonega. People started flooding Dahlonega. A man in Hambersham County wrote in the newspaper that two gold mnes had been found in the county. There was evidence for gold in Georgia until August 1, 1829 when a Milledgevill Newspaper ran the notice. -
Worcester V. Georgia
The Worcester V. Gerogia was a court case over the Cherokee Indians being removed from their land. Georgia conducted a campaign to remove the Cherokees. Worcester and other missionaries fought for their rights. They were later arrested because Gerogia thought that worcester was suppose to be on their side. gerogia made the Cherokees leaving their land a law. Even though they fought it still did not protect the Cherokees from being removed from their land. -
Trail of Tears
The Federal Government forced the indians to leave their homelands because white settlers wanted to grow cotton on their land. The government assigned a specially designated territory for the indians. The territory was located thousands of miles away and was a deadly journey. This journey is known as the Trail of Tears. -
Compromise of 1850
This event all started because of divisions over slavery territory gained in the Mexican-American war. This was all solved over the Compromise of 1850. The Compromise solved everything by making New Mexico territories with the question of slavery to be determined by popular sovereignty. The Compromise aslo ended the slave trade in Washington, D.C. -
Georgia Platform
The Georgia Platform established Georgia's acceptance of the Compromise of 1850. The nation was facing potential threat of disunion over the passage of the Compromise of 1850. Georgia had a special state convention that adopted the Georgia platform. The act hepled convert the national crisis. -
Henry McNeal Turner
He was one of the most influential African American. He was a leader in the nineteenth century. He was a church organizer and missionary. He also was a advocate of the back to Africa emigration. Turner was never a slave. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act was a bill that allowed people of that territory to decide if slavery woiuld be allowed within a new state border. The Act overturned the Missouri Compromise. There was still a lot of disputes about slavery. The aftermath of the Act's passage lead to the period of violence. -
Booker T. Washington
Booker T. Washington was a black educator and institution builder. He founded the Tuskegee Institute. He also created the National Negro Business league. He was born a slave in Virginia until he was nine years old. -
Dred Scott Case
The Dred Scott Case was about Slave owners wanting to take their slaves into the western territories. Due to the Compromise of 1850 residents could decide this by majority vote, but this got out of hand so they couldn't. Dred Scott was a slave, who wanted to be free. According to the law he was property and couldn't be takened without the process of the law. This all lead to the Dred Scott case. -
Election of 1860
The Democrats met in Charleston, Soth carolina to select the candidate for president. Democrats wanted Stephen Douglas because they thought he was their best chance to defeat the Replubicans. Sothern Democrats considered him a traitor because he supported Sovereignty. Six weeks later Democrats chose Douglas. -
Union Blockade of Georgia
This event took place on the coast of confederate Georgia. It was part of the Union's strategy to subdue the state. This all was ahppening during the civil war. The union strategy centered around Savannah. This plan kept imports and exports from getting to and from Confederate georgia. -
Period: to
Sherman's Atlanta Campaign
Sherman faced off against the confederate generals. sherman's goal was to destroy the army of Tennessee. He also wanted to capture Atlanta and stop the Confederate from getting supplies. This was the starting point of the March to the Sea. -
Battle of Antietam
General Robert E. Lee and George McClellan faced off near Antietam creek. It was the first battle of the Civil War fought in Northern Soil. The result of the battle was inconclusive. The Battle of Antietam is known as the bloodiest single day in American history. -
Emancipation Proclamation
President Abraham Lincol introduced the emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation wasn't accepted right away. It wasn't accepted because it referred to freeing slaves. Later own due to the Emancipation proclamtion the slaves were freed. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The Battle of Gettysburg was the largest battle of the American Civil War. The war was the Union forces against the Confederate forces. This war lead to lots of major battles. After the Battle of Gettysburg there was still a lot of conflict. -
Battle of Chickamauga
The Battle of Chickamauga was the largest battle fought in the Western Theater. It was the second battle to the Battle of Gettysburg. The battle was not too far from Chattanooga, Tennessee. The battle was the Union forces against the Confederate forces. -
Andersonville prison Camp
The andersonville Prison Camp was a confederate prison. This was all during the Civil war. It held a large number of Union Prisoners. The official name is Camp Sumter. -
Period: to
Sherman's March To the Sea
Union General William T. Sherman started the expedition off by torching the industrial section of Atlanta. Sherman's army destroyed most of georgia. Sherman captured Atlanta after a long summer campaign. Sherman also captured the confederate saeport. -
Thirteenth Amendment
This amendment abolished slavery. It stated that slavery and involuntary servitude should not be in the United Staes. It would be set as a punishmnet for a crime if convicted. It was ratified on December6, 1865, but established on January 31, 1865 -
Freedman's Bureau
Freedman's Bureau was established to help former black slaves and poor whites. It was located in the suth because of the aftermath of the Civil War. Freedmen's Bureau provided food, medical aid, and housing. It also established schools for blacks. -
Ku Klux Klan Formed
Ku Klux Klan extended to almost every southern state. The members waged a underground campiagn of intimidation and violence. They descriminated against catholics, Jews , and especially blacks. The activities included bombing black schools and churches. -
Web Dubois
Web was a socialogist, writer, and activist. He was a founding officer of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people. he aslo was a editor for the magizine. He did a career combining a scholarship and teaching. -
Fourteenth Amendment
The amendment addresses citizenship rights. Also it adresses equal protection of the laws. It was related to the issues to former slaves. It staes that no stae should amke or enforce laws that is unfair. -
Fifteenth Amendment
This amendment staes that everyone should have the right to vote. No matter the race and color. Also it says the citizen should be able to no matter the previous condition of servitude. -
Internation Cotton Exposition
Atlanta's leaders hosted a cotton exposition that were important to the city's economic development. A cotton exposition is when they jst display cotton plants. The first cotton exposition was international so they displayed cotton plants from around the world. There was a total of three cotton expositions. -
Plessy V. Ferguson
The case was between a African American and a Judge. It was about a colored not wanting to sit in a Jim Crowe car. Homer Plessy felt that his rights were violated. he came before judge john H. Ferguson. This all also lead to Brown VS Board of Education case. -
John and Lugenia Hope
John Hope was a African American educator and race leader. He was the first black president of Morehouse College. He also supported civil rights acts in the south. Lugenia Hope is John Hope wife. She was a social activist, reformer, and community organizer. She worked for the improvment of black communities. On April 19, 1898 john hpe took on an position teaching classics at an Atlanta college. -
1906 Atlanta Riot
During the Atlanta Riot white mobs killed dozens of blacks. People think the cause of the riot was because black males were assaulting white femals. Before all this happened the black population was increasing White people thought this was a threat. This is mainly what lead to the riot. -
Leo Frank Case
The leo Frank Case is one of the most popular cases in Georgia. Leo Frank was accused of Raping and murdering a young girl. Leo frank was found guilty and was convicted. Frank later on was hanged from an oak tree. -
Period: to
World War 1
World War 1 was a major war. The war drew in the world's economic great powers. The war was caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The war ended with the allies with the victory. -
County Unit System
The County Unit System was established in 1917. It was established when the Georgia Legislature passed the Neill Primary Act. The System was used in the Democratic Primaries. The County Unit System was used in the U.S house districts until the 1960's. -
Alonzo Herndon
Alonzo Herndon was an African american barber and entrepreneur. He was born into slavery in Walton County. He is the founder and president of the Atlanta Life Insurance Company. In 1922 the insurance company was reorganized as the Atlanta Life Insurance Company -
Tom Watson and the Populists
Tom Watson was elected into the General Assembly. He was also nominated by the populists Party as its vice presidential candidate. Tom was a practicing lawyer, publisher, and historian. He is known for being a voice for populism. -
Eugene Talmadge
He was a controversial politician. He won three terms as Governor. He was elected a fourth term in 1946 but died before he made it into office. In 1926 he was elected into office after unsucessful runs. -
Period: to
Great Depression
This was the longest economic downfall in history. The cause of the Great Depressionwas when the stock market crashed. Nearly 15 million people were unemployed. President Franklin D. Roosevelt helped turn america around. -
Period: to
The leader of the this cause is nazi leader adolf hitler. He mainly descriminated against Jews. Jews were forced to leave germany or killed. Most were sent to concentration camps. -
Civilian Conservation Corps
The CCC was one of the New Deal programs. It was created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He believed this program would relieve the unemployment and keep youth off the streets. This program was a discplined outdoor labor. -
Richard Russell
Richard was a Georgia Governor. He served in public services for fifty years. He helped strengthen the national defense. Richard worked to bring economic opportunities to Gerogia. Elected as a state senate in 1933. -
Agricultural Adjustment Act
The AAA was one of the New Deal programs. This program was obviously to help the farmers. In 1936 the supreme Court declared the act unconstitutional. -
Benjamin mays
Benjamin was a African-American. He was a Baptist minister. He also was a activist in the civil rights movement. In 1935 he accepted a position as a Dean of the Howard University. He is best known as a president of Morehouse College. -
Social Security
The sociaal security program consists of retirement, disability, and survivors. Social security is the largest welfare program. Most workers pay social security taxes on their earnings. -
Rural Electrification
This program was part of the New deal. This program helped electrification and telephone service in rural areas. The program also did free loans and job creations. The program was abolished in 1994. -
Period: to
World war 2
This is historys largest armed conflict . The war started when Germany invaded poland. Nations declared war on Germany in support of Poland. The allied powers won. -
Pearl Harbor
Japanese fighter planes attacked American naval base. Pearl Harbor is near Honolulu Hawii. Franklin D. Roosevelt asked congress to declare war on Japn. More than 2000 american slodiers died. -
Period: to
William B. Hartsfield
William served as the mayor. He was in office for six terms. he was in there longer than anybody in the city's history. He is credited for developing Atlanta. He was in office from 1942-1961. -
Atlanta Hawks
The Atlanta hawks is a professional basketball team based in atlanta. The hawks compete in the NBA. They are also a member of the ECSD. Their team colors are torch red, volt green, Georgia granite gray, and white. -
1946 Governor's Race
In the 1946 Governor's Race Eugene Talmadge died. His supporters allowed a new governor to be elected in 1947. The General Assembly elected his son as the new governor. His name is Herman Talmadge -
Brown vs Board of Education
This case was a landmark United States Supreme Court. The court declared laws that had blacks separated form whites unconstitutional. This all ended on May 17, 1954. -
Herman Talmadge
Herman was a Democratic Politician. he was obviously from Georgia. he served as the 70th governor of Georgia. Herman was elected to the U.S senate in 1956 until 1980. -
1956 State Flag
Georgia democratic party leaders John Bell begin a campaign. His campaign was about wanting to substitute the square confederate flag for red and white bars on the state flag. Governor Griffin said the flag stood for what Georgia believed in so he didn't want to change it. -
Sibley Commission
They created the sibley commission to introduce the GAC on schools. Governor Ernest was forced between the closing of public schools or desegregation them. The committee was charged with gathering people desegregation. -
Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter
Hamilton Holmes is best known for desegregating Georgia's universities. Holmes was one of the of the two first people admitted into UGA. Charlayne is the other student that was the first to be admitted to UGA. She is best known for her work on television in print. -
The Albany Movement
The Albany Movement was the first amps movement in the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King Jr was down into the movement. The Albany movement ended in 1962. -
Period: to
Ivan Allen Jr
Ivan served as mayor of Atlanta. He was in office from 1962-1970. He was credited for leading Atlanta through a time of economic growth. He served in the U.S Quartermaster Corps. This was during world War 2. -
March on Washington
March on Washington was when 200,000 Americans gathered in Washington DC. It was a political rally. It was designed to shed to shed a light on the political and social challenges of African Americans. It became a key movement in the struggle for civil rights. -
Carl Vinson
Carl was one of the House Represenatives. He served 25 consecutive terms in the house. He served in the U.S congress longer than anybody in history. He retired in january 1965. -
Atlanta Falcons
Dankin M. Smith is the founder of the Atlanata falcons. The falsons joined the NFL in 1965. They are a member of the NFC. Their tema colors are black, red, silver, and white. -
Atlanata Braves
The Braves have been a professional baseball league in Atlanta since 1966. The braves colors are navy blue, white, and scarlet. The Braves was established in 1871. They were not at first from Atlanta. -
Lester Maddox
Lester was anot American politician. He was the 75th governor of Georgia. He served fromantic 1965-1971. -
Martin Luther King Jr
Martin was a American Baptist minister. He was a leader in the African-American Civil rights movement. He fought for what he believed in by using non-violent actions. He is best known for his I have a dream speech. He was assassinate on April 4, 1968 -
Jimmy Carter in Georgia
Jimmy is an American politician. He also is an author. He served as the 39th president. He was in office from 1977 -1981. He obviously from Georgia. -
Andrew Young
Andrew is an American politician. He also served as a congressman. He was an activist in the civil rights movement. He was a mayor 9f Atlanta. -
1996 Olympic Games
Atlanta Georgia hosted the 1996 olympic games. The goal was to promote Atlanta''s images. Preparations for the Olympics took more than six yeras. -
The Civil Rights Act
The Civil right act ended segregation in public places. It also banned employment discrimination on the basis of race. Achievement of the civil rights movement was first proposed by John F. Kennedy. -
Maynard Jackson Elected Mayor
Maynard was elected mayor of Atlanta in 1973. He was the first African-American to serve as mayor in a major southern city. He served eight years. He later own returned a third term in 1990.