Georgia History

  • Jan 1, 1539


    Hernando de soto led the expidition
    THe made spnish missions
    There colony failed
  • Jan 1, 1540

    Hernando de soto

    Hernando de soto
    A eurpean explorer
    the first to explorer in GA
    he met the missippian indains
  • Jan 1, 1562


    Wanted the fur trade
    wasnt succesful
    Came in 1562
  • Jan 1, 1568

    Spanish Missions

    Spanish Missions
    They wanted to covert native americans to be catholic
    If the indians did not convert they became slaves
    The missions failed because of pirate invasionss etc.
  • James oglethrope

    James oglethrope
    Allowed jews and germans in
    Created savannah
    Was the most succesful
  • Colony of GA

    Colony of GA
    Charity. Economy, and defense
    Capital was once savannah
    Was very succesful
  • Malcontents

    payed their way into GA
    They got slaves and liquor in GA
    They didnt like the trustees
  • Worthy poor

    Worthy poor
    England sent them over
    They were forced to do work for england
    They could not have liquor or slaves
  • England

    The most succesful
    created savannah
    christopher colombus came with england
  • City of savannah

    City of savannah
    Was set up by james oglethrope
    Was the capital of GA
    Is on the coast of GA
  • Highland Scotts

    Highland Scotts
    Came from scottish land
    Were very feirce warroirs
    They succesfully defended GA
  • Mary Musgrove

    Mary Musgrove
    Was a translator for indians and americans
    Her parents were both indian and american
    She was a big reason that the indians and the americans became freinds
  • Salzburgers

    German protestants
    they came to GA to escape persecution
    Built the first sunday school
  • Tomichichi

    was an indian
    was a cheif
    became freinds with the british
  • John Reynolds

    John Reynolds
    was a GAs first govener
    was in office from 1754-1756
    wasnt a good leader
  • Henery Ellis

    Henery Ellis
    A very succesful govener
    DIvided GA into 8 counties
    Hated GA heat
  • James wright

    James wright
    Was the most succesful govener
    Was in office from 1760-1776
    was vey succesful
  • Missipian Indians

    Missipian Indians
    Met the europeans
    Built the mound towns
    Died from disease and european invasion