Jan 1, 1539
Spain's main purpose in Noth America was the 3 G's. They three G's being God, Glory, and Gold. Although Spain didn't have much success etablishing colony's in North America, they did establish a mission to confert some native's to Cathlolicism. Spain hoped by claming land in North America they would become a more powerful and stronger countury. (This was very true) Spain countiuned missions in North America even after De Soto's death. -
Jan 1, 1540
Hernando De Soto
Hernando De Soto was an explorer from Spain. His main purpose for coming to Georgia was the three G's. (Gold, Gloy and God) Unfortuntely, most indians treated De Soto like a god and he killed the ones that did not. (I mean if you never sall a white peron before and they showed up riding a horse, which you have never seen before. You would believe that he was a god to right!) De Soto spread disease unknowingly to the indians. Leading to most of their deaths. Lastly, De Soto died in 1549. -
Jan 1, 1562
After Spain, France started to explore Georiga as well. The main interest for Fraqnce was the Fur Trade! Specificalloy trading beavers, dear, and another small mammals with the native's. Many protestants from France came to Georgia and South Carolina. Protestants are Christians that broke off from the Catholic Church to form new churches. For example, Baptist, Methoddist and Allegient are some examples. France was never able to establish a colony permanetly in Georgia. -
Jan 1, 1568
Spainish Missions
After De Soto died in 1542 both Spain and France started exploring what is now known as GA. Both countries tryed to establish colonies in GA, but failed. However Spain did successfully establish missions from 1568 - 1684. The missions where set up to confert native's to Cathlic faith, so they could become part of the Spainsh econemy. The most successful missions where on the barrier islands. Unfortunatly the missisons did not last. They failed due to war/battle, disease, and pirate attatacks. -
Colony of Georgia
The charter of 1732 stated that the purpose of th colony was for three reasons: Charity, Ecnomy, and Defense. However Georga was only successful as a defensive "buffer" between South Carolina and Flordia. Charity - Georgia was a colony for the "worhy poor". The "worhty poor" citisens could not drink (hard liquor) -
"Worthy Poor"
The "worthy poor " are people from England that came over to use the land the English have given them. They can not drink hard liquor or own slaves. -
The Malcontents
Coloists that paid their own way to Georgia and were unhappy with the laws banning slavery and liquor placed by the Trustees anf Oglethorpe. Because of the Malcontents complaints, the ban on slavery and liquor was lifted, forever changing Georgia's history. -
James Oglthorpe & The Trustees
England gave James Oglthorpe and 20 other trustees permission to establish colonies in Geroriga in 1733. Oglthorpe quickly become a leader amongst the trustees because he befriended Native Americans like Tomnochichi and Mary Mustgrove. He quick also allowed Scottish, jews, and German immigrants to settles in Georgia. Oglthorpe helped establish Savannah. Also he definded Georgia from 3 Spanish attacks. Oglethoprpe left Georgia in 1743, never to return to Georgia agian. -
England had began setting up many successful colines in North America like Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina. Gerogia was England's last colonie out of the 13 colonies created in 1733. The goal of England was Mercantillism. This is when a country wants to make money by exporting more goods. England was able to do this while controlling colines like Georgia all over the world. Laslty, Georgia was named after King George. -
Savannah was used a a port of trade and served as the capital of Georgia. -
Mary Musgrove
The daughter of a Yamacraw woman and an English fur tarder, Mustgrove became fluent in both languages and helped translate fort Oglthorpe and Timichichi. -
The Salzburgers
German Protestants that came to Gerorgia to escape persecution. They were very successful. They were the first to bulid an orphanage, openly agianst slavery, built the furst Sunday School, and were the only group to have seccessful silk forms. -
The Highland Scots
A group of fiece Scottish warriers brought to Georgia by Oglthorpe for their fighting abilites. Try successfuly defended Gerorgia in battle for Jenkins' Ear. They were alsao anti - slavery. -
United the Yamasee and Creek tribes in 1728 to form the Yamacraw. He belived his tribe could gain much from an allaince with the British. He became a close friend and ally with James Ogelthorpe. -
John Reynolds
Georgia's first governor. Ushered in the court systems and public assembly. Wasen't a good leader and was quickly recalled. -
Henry Ellis
Very successful governor. Divided Georgia into 8 parishes (counties). Made a deal with Spain to move Georgia's territory to the St.Mary's River, Here 'd the Georgia heat, commonly walked the streets of Savannah with a thermometer around his neck claming "Georgia is one of the hottiest places on earth'!!! -
James Write
Very successful governor that expanded Georgia's territory even further. Was loyal to England during the REvolution which got him arrested by the patriots. He escaped back to England and called for a full attack on Georgia in 1778. He recaptured Savannah and was governor agian from 1779 - 1782. -
Mississippian Indians
The Mississippian Indians lived in "Mound Towns". They are responsable for spreading advanced mounds throughout the Southeast of GA. They were the most advanced native civilazation. They lived in "chieftoms", meaning they had one ruler who had all the power. They traded extensively with other tribes. They lived from 800ce - 1600ce. They where the first to meet the europeans. Sadly, after the europeans came they all died from diseases, battle and starvation.