Georgia history

  • Jan 5, 1539


    Gold- the missions and explores like hernando de soto helped bring gold to spain
    God-spain didnt have much success establishing mission to convert natives to catholicism
    Glory-spain hoped starting ,ission and claming land would ,ake them a stronger power in the world
  • Jan 3, 1540

    Hernado de soto

    Hernado de soto
    -was the first to explore what is now the south eastern us,in cluding georgia in 1539
    -set out a mission for the three G`s God,Glory,Gold
    -de soto spreaded diseases to indians killing them
    -de soto died in 1542
  • Jan 1, 1562


    -after faliure of spanish missions france began to explore georgia as well
    -themain intrest in france was the fur trade
    -france was never able to establish a permanent colony in georgia
  • Jan 2, 1568

    Spanish mission

    Spanish mission
    -spain purpose in north america was the three G`s
  • James oglethorpe and trustees

    James oglethorpe and trustees
    -in 1733 england gave james oglethorpe and 20 trustees permission to establish georgia as a colony
    -oglethorpe helped established savannah and defened georgia from three spanish attacks
  • colony of georgia (charity,defense,economy)

    colony of georgia (charity,defense,economy)
    -oglethorpe left georgia in 1743 and never returned but he lived long enough to see the colony he helped create break away from england in1785
    -oglethorpe established geogia in 1733 along with 20 other trustees
    -oglethorpe helped defended georgia from 3 spanish attacks
  • malconents

    • the malconent was the grorup that started slavery
    • the came to georgia with there own money the malcontents complained about them banning slavery and hard liquor -the got tired of them complaining so they lifted the laws
  • worthy poor

    worthy poor
    -the worthy poor people couldnt have slaves or drink liquor
    - they used the charity to help them start a new life in georgia
    - the worthy poor didnt have anything
  • england

    -england was able to this by controlling colonies like georgia all over the world
    -england had begun setting up many successful colonies in north america likevirgina mary land and north carolina
  • city of savanah

    city of savanah
    -oglethorpe helped establish savannah
  • highland scoots

    highland scoots
    -they were a group of scootish warriors
    -they were brought to georgia by oglethorpe for there fighting abilities
    -they were also anti slavery
  • mary musgrove

    mary musgrove
    • was the daughter of a yamacraw women and an english fur trader -became fluent in both languages -helped translate for oglethorpe and tomochichi
  • salzburgers

    -they were german protestants
    -they came to georgia and was very successful
    - was the first to build an orphanage
    -built the first sunday school
    -and was the group to have successful silk farms
  • tomochichi

    -tomochichi formed the group called yamacraw in 1728
    -he believed that his tribe could gain much from alliance with the british
    -tomochichi became good friends with james oglethorpe
  • John Reynolds

    John Reynolds
    -was the governor for 2 years
    -was georgia`s first governor
    - wasn`t a ggod leaderand was quickly recalled
  • Henry ellis

    Henry ellis
    -was the governor for 3 years
    -divied georgia into 8 parishes counties
    -henry ellis said the goergia was one of the hottest places on earth
  • James Wright

    James Wright
    • was the governor for 16 years -was a very successful governor -he expanded georgia territory -he was very loyal to england during the revolution which got him arrested by the patriots
    • he escaped back to england and called a full attack on georgia in 1778 -then he recaped savannah and was governer for 3 ,ore years in 1779
  • mississippians indians

    mississippians indians
    -was most advanced native civilization
    -lived in large mound towns
    -they where the first natives to meet the european
    -lived in tribes called cheifdoms
  • Period: to

    Georgia History