Ivan Allen Jr.
Mr.Ivan Allen Jr. was an american buissnes man served two terms as the fifty second mayor of atlanta during the tribulent civil rights era.
he enterd the united states army in 1942 as a second lietenant and was dicharged in 1945 as a major. -
Atlanta braves
the braves completed there mirrical finish by comeing from last on july 18 to win the N.L pennet. the braves are sold by james gaffeny to a boston sydicant for 500,000.the team finishes third. -
Herman Talmadge
herman eugane talmadge was born on augest -
William B. Hartsfield
he was mayor of atlanta for six terms hartsfield held office during a critical piriod when the colore line separating.
Hartsfield lost the first of his two elections when he was defited to a race for a seat. -
Atlanta hawks
the atlanta hawks are a praffecinal basket ball players that are based in atlanta georgia. the hawks compete in a natinal basket ball legue. establish ment of the tri cities blackhawks in 1949. -
Atlanta Falcons
Team owner and founder Rankin M. Smith passed away from heart complications just hours before the falcons october 28,1997 game at carolina. he founded the falcons in 1966.