Jan 1, 1539
Spain (1539)
Spains purpose in North America was the 3 G's; God,Glory, and Gold. -
Jan 1, 1540
Hernando De Soto (1540)
He was an explorer from Spain and the first to explore what is now the southeastern US, including Georgia in 1539. Firts landing in Florida, ohe set out on a mission for the 3 G's, God,GLory, and Gold. He encountetred the mississipian indians culture and used them during this voyage to ring gold. Unfortunately, mos tindians treated Hernando De Soto like a God. -
Jan 1, 1562
France (1562)
AFter failure of the Spanish missions, France began to explore Georgia as well. The main interest of France was the fur trade, specifically trade with the Native Americans. -
Jan 1, 1568
Spanish Missions (1568-1684)
Both Spain and France started exploring GA. Both countries tried to established colonies but they failed, the missions where catholic churches. The missions did no last, Disease attacks by other tribes supported by the British, and pirate attacks -
Period: Jan 1, 1568 to
Spanish Missions (1568-1684)
Both Spain and France started exploring GA. Both countries tried to established colonies but they failed, the missions where catholic churches. The missions did no last, Disease attacks by other tribes supported by the British, and pirate attacks -
James Oglethorpe & Trustees (1732-1742)
Oglethorpe became a leader amongst the Trustees because he befriended Native Americans like Tomochichi and Mary Musgrove. He also allowed Jews, Scottish and German immigrants to settle in georgia. He helped establish Savannah and defended Georgia from three spanish attacks. -
Colony of Georgia (charity,economy,and defense) _1732-1785)
Charity- Georgia was a colony for "worthy poor". This meant that since England gave these poor citizens land in the colony, they could not drink (hard liquor) or own slaves. Economy- because of english mercantilism colonists we're forced to plant crops like tobacco and mulberry trees for silk worms to feed on. Defense- Georgia was very successful at repelling spanish attacks from FLorida. Despite many attempts at destroying the colony, Spain was never successful. -
Malcontents (1732)
Colonists that paid their own way into Georgia and were unhappy with the laws banning slavery and liquor places by the trustees and Oglethorpe. Because of the malcontents complaints, the ban on slavery and liquor was lifted, forever changing Georgia history. -
England (1733-1785)
The goal of ENgland was Mercantilism. This is when a country wants to make money by exporting more goods than it imports. Georgia was england's last of its 13 colonies created in 1733. -
City of savannah (1733)
Highland Scots (1733)
A group of feirce Scottish warriors brought to Georgia by Oglethorpe for their fighting abilities. They successfully defended Georgia in battles like the battle of the Bloddy Marsh and the battle for Jenkins ear. *they we're also anti-slavery. -
Salzburgerz (1733)
German Protestants that came to Georgia to escape persecution. They we're very successful. They were the first to build the first Sunday school, and we're the only group to have successful silk forms. -
Mary Musgrove (1733)
The daughter of Yamacraw woman and english fur trader, musgrove became fluent in both languages and helped translate for Oglethorpe and Tomochichi -
Mississipian Indians (800-1600)
The mississipian indians where the first -
Period: to
georgia history