Headright system
The Headright System gave each head of family 200 acres of land. Not only that, they gave 50 acres more for each member of his family, The limit of the number of acres each family could have was 1000 acres. -
Univeraity of Georgia
On January 27, 1785, The General assembly incorporated The University of Georgia, which made Georgia become the first state to charter a university that was supported by the state. -
louisville, Georgia
After the Revolutionary war, many people moved to start a new life somewhere new. As a result, William Few purchased one thousands acres of land near the Ogeechee River, as a new site for the goverment. This land was later named after a french king named, King Louis XVI.
Louisville began growing economically. Many people began growing cotton after the cotton gin was invented. Also, tabacco was a big cash crop at that time for louisville. After time went by, the population grew to 550. -
Cotton Gin
After many years of hard work to seperate the seeds from the cotton balls, Eli whitney invented a machine that helped farm workers do this hard work. Before the cottin gin was invented, it would take up to eight hours to make one pound of cotton. now, with Eli whitneys' amazing invention, farmers could make up to fifty pounds a day. -
Yazoo Land Fraud
Four Land companies bribed the legislature and bought 35 million acres of land for 1 1/2 cents each acre. Once citizens found out about this, they protested against it. After a few protest, the georgia legislature was replaced. And the Yazoo land act was burned. -
Land Lottery
The lottery in this current time is very different than the lottery back then. In the early 1800's a man drew a paper and recieved a random piece of land that corresponded to the paper they picked.
The disadvantages in this is, the random piece of land that the person reiceved could be a good piece of land or a bad piece of land. -
The railroad was first invented in england. Then made its way to america. The first state in america to recieve railroads was South Carolina. This made big competition for georgia. Finally, in 1835, georgia recieved railroads for the first time. The georgia legislature chartered the first 2 railroads in georgia. The railroad was the most reliable mode of transportation because it could cover people from rain, it didn't get stuck in mud. But the railroad wasn't the safest form of transportation. -
The Georgia Baptist Convention
The Georgia Baptist Convention was formed with all baptist groups within georgia. In this convention, there are two major types of baptist groups. One being the Primitive Baptist and the second, being The Free Will baptist. The Prime Baptist did not like missionary work or sunday school. But the Free Will baptist did like all of these things. This made a difference between these two baptist groups, but afterall, they form the Georgia Baptist Convention.