George washinton

George Washinton

  • George Washinton was born

    George Washinton was born
    In Popes Creek Plantation, Westmoreland County, Virginia. His father was Augustine "Gus" Washington (1693–1743) and his mother was Mary Ball Washington (1708–1789).
  • Appointed official surveyor

    Appointed official surveyor
    In Culpeper County, Virginia
  • French and Indian War:

    French and Indian War:
    Washington given rank of major and he was sent to assess the strength of the French in Ohio Country Valley
  • Received a commission

    Received a commission
    As a Lieutenant Colonel in Virginia Regiment
  • Lieutenant Colonel Washington

    Lieutenant Colonel Washington
    Built Fort Necessity was forced to surrender it to overwhelming French and Indian forces
  • Lieutenant Colonel Washington

    Lieutenant Colonel Washington
    He successfully attacked the French camp near present Jumonville
  • General Edward Braddock

    General Edward Braddock
    Battle of the Monongahela: Serving under the troops were ambushed and defeated by the French and Indians
  • George Washington as commander in chief

    George Washington as commander in chief
    Governor Dinwiddie appointed him, of all Virginia forces with the new rank of colonel
  • Forbes Expedition: Successfully

    Forbes Expedition: Successfully
    Driving the French away from Fort Duquesne
  • Failed to secure a commission as a British officer

    Failed to secure a commission as a British officer
    And turned to working as a planter and politician
  • George married a wealthy widow named Mrs. Martha Dandridge Custis.

    George  married a wealthy widow named Mrs. Martha Dandridge Custis.
    The marriage was childless but the couple raised her two children, John Parke Custis and Martha Parke Custis, from her previous marriage
  • The Virginia House of Burgesses

    The Virginia House of Burgesses
    George Mason writes resolutions presented by George Washington
  • Elected delegate

    Elected delegate
    To the First Continental Congress
  • Mount Vernon

    Mount Vernon
    Washington owned 6,500 acres at with over 100 slaves
  • Shots fired at Lexington and Concord

    Shots fired at Lexington and Concord
    Where weapons depot destroyed
  • Appointed general and commander-in-chief

    Appointed general and commander-in-chief
    Of the new Continental Army
  • Signed the Declaration of Independence

    Signed the Declaration of Independence
  • Battle of Harlem Heights

    Battle of Harlem Heights
    where Washington's army repulses British attack
  • Battle of White Plains

    Battle of White Plains
    Force General Washington to retreat to the west pursued by Cornwallis
  • The Delaware River

    The Delaware River
    Washington crosses The Delaware River and captures a Hessian force (German mercenaries) at Trenton, New Jersey
  • General Washino

    General Washino
    General Washington defeated at Brandywine
  • The Battle of Monmouth

    The Battle of Monmouth
    The Battle of Monmouth occurs in New Jersey as Washington's troops and General. Clinton's troops fight to a standoff
  • West Point

    West Point
    General Washington sets up headquarters at West Point
  • War

    France declares war against Britain
  • Congress stipulating independence

    Congress stipulating independence
    : A peace plan is approved by Congress stipulating independence and British evacuation of America
  • Yorktown

    The British army surrenders at Yorktown - a devastating effect on the British
  • Hostilities in America

    Hostilities in America
    England officially declares an end to hostilities in America
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is signed by the United States and Great Britain
  • Farewell address to the army

    Farewell address to the army
    George Washington delivers farewell address to the army
  • Congress of the Confederation.

    Congress of the Confederation.
    Washington resigns his commission as commander-in-chief to the Congress of the Confederation.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is ratified by Congress and the American Revolutionary War officially ends.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Elected President of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia
  • Elected Prsidnt

    Elected Prsidnt
    Unanimously Elected first President of the United States
  • Took an oath

    Took an oath
    Washington took the oath of office as the first President of the United States in New York City. He was addressed as "Mr. President"
  • Act of Congress

    Act of Congress
    President Washington signed the first act of Congress concerning the administration of oaths
  • The first national census took place

    The first national census took place
  • The Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights became law. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution of the United States guarantee basic liberties to Americans
  • A national mint.

    A national mint.
    Congress established a national mint.
  • Re-eletion

    Re-elected President of the United States
  • The Neutrality Proclamation

    The Neutrality Proclamation
    Washington issued the Neutrality Proclamation to keep the United States out of the war between France and Great Britain
  • The Whisky Rebellion

    The Whisky Rebellion
    Washington invoked the Militia Law of 1792 to suppress the Pennsylvania farmers who refused to pay the federal whisky tax.
  • The Jay Treaty

    The Jay Treaty
    The Jay Treaty to maintain trade with Great Britain
  • Farewell Address

    Farewell Address
    Published his Farewell Address which was issued as a public letter
  • Mount Vernon

    Mount Vernon
    Washington returned to Mount Vernon
  • Commissioned Lieutenant General

    Commissioned Lieutenant General
    Commissioned Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief of the new United States Army to serve as a warning to France, with which war seemed imminent.
  • George Washinton

    George Washinton
    Died at Mount Vernon at the age of 67. He arranged for his slaves to be freed in his last will and testament