George Washington

  • George Washington

    George Washingtons Birthday
  • George Washington´s Inauguration

    This is when George Washington became president
  • George Washington Passes first Copyright law

    George signs the first United States copyright law
  • George Washington Establishes Capital

    He signed a bill that permanently placed the capital of the nation along the Potomac River in an area to be called the district of Colombia.
  • George Washington fixes revolutionary war debts

    President Washington signs a bill into law that directed the federal government to assume the Revolutionary War debts of the states.
  • George Washington Moves the capital

    The United States Capital officially moves from New York to Philadelphia, where it remains until the completion of the District of Columbia in 1800.
  • George supports making a national bank

    Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, with President Washington's support, calling for the creation of an official Bank of the United States.
  • George signs bill to make national bank

    Signed the bill to make a national U.S bank
  • George makes first revenue law

    Congress approves its first internal revenue law, creating fourteen revenue districts and placing a tax on all distilled spirits.
  • George appoints Thomas Pinckney

    President Washington appoints Thomas Pinckney as the first United States minister to England.
  • Washington is reelected

    George Washington is unanimously re-elected President of the United States by the Electoral College. John Adams is elected for a second term as Vice President.
  • Washington says farewell

    President Washington releases what has become known as his “Farewell Address,” in which he advises future American leaders to minimize “political connection” with foreign powers.