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George Washington

  • Born

    Born on family plantation on Pope's creek in Westmoreland counrty, the british colony of virginia
  • Lived at a Ferry Farm

    Lived at a Ferry Farm
    Geroge moved with his family when he was 6 to the ferry farm in 1738, he called it the home farm, but it was later called the ferry farm
  • Became a country surveyor

    Became a country surveyor
    -He shown an aptitude for mathematics, became a successful surveyor. His surveying expeditions into the Virginia wilderness earned him enough money to begin acquiring land of his own.
  • Washingtons first trip to the frontier

    George Washington, ventured into the western reachers of virginia to srvey landas at the age of sixteen
  • Washington becomes an emissary

    Robert Dinwiddie, Governor of Virginia, selected George Washington take journeys to the French forts in the Ohio Valley
  • Washington reaches the fort LeBoeuf

    Washington reaches the fort LeBoeuf
    George Washington meets with Captain Jaques Legardeur and represents governer Dinwiddie's letter ordering the French to leave
  • Washington returns to Williamsburg

    Washington and Gist embark on a dramatic journey back to Williamsburg
  • Washington surrenders

    French forces surrounding Washingtons position attack Fort Necessity. By 8;00 p.m. the French offer terms for surrender that Washington and his officers agrree to.
  • Washington appointed commander of the continential army

    Second Continential Congress directed that George Washington take command on newly army
  • Washington takes command at Cambridge, MA

    Washington takes command at Cambridge, MA
    After his appointment as commander in cheif in Philadelphia, Washington traved to Cambridge to take command of the army positioned around Boston
  • Washington crossed Delaware river

    Washington crossed Delaware river
    Fearing a counterattack by the British, Washtington pushed his tired soldiers and his captives back to the side of the Deleware River.
  • Became the U.S. President

    Became the U.S. President
    Was Americas first President.
  • Washington signed into law the first copyright law

    Washington signed into law the first copyright law
    An act for the security of maps and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies
  • Washington vetoed only two bills while president

    The first bill was the Apportionment Bill, aimed at providing guidelines.
    02/28/1797- bill aimed at cutting the size and cost of the military
  • Washington retires to Mount Vernon

    Washington retires to Mount Vernon
    After serving two years and declining the third term, Washington finally retires and returns to Mount Vernon.