Birth 1732
born on Feb 22 1732 had two birth days when they switch calendars to Gregorian from Julian -
licensed surveyor at the age of 17 at the college of William and Mary
member of a surveying expedition in west Virginia -
French an Indian war
may have started the French and Indian war at the battle of Jumonville Glen. the First encounter of the French and Indian war. Lt, Colonel Virginian regiment -
Soil Experiments
conducted different soil experiments using different fertilizer mostly manures -
Cash Crop
before 1766 primarily used tobacco as a cash crop but switch to wheat as his primary cash crop. did grow hemp but not to smoke but for rope. -
Comander in Chief
selected to be the Commander in Chief for the continental army -
Delware River
Crossed the Delaware River in the middle of the winter to push back the British and retake New Jersey on Christmas -
Crop Rotation
switch from a three- year crop rotation to a seven- year crop rotation -
#1 President
was elected unanimously by my peers to become the first president -
Date of Death
died at the age of 67 year old do to a throat infection