date of birth
He was born on this date in Virginia -
His father died when he was 11. -
Period: to
First Job
Begins his job as surveyor to the Shenandoah Valley -
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Mount Vernon
Inherited Mount Vernon from his brother, Lawrence Washington, when he died. -
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leads the Virginia Expedition to challenge the French in the Allegheny River Valley. -
Period: to
Washington commanded Virginia's frontier troops. -
Washington was with General Braddock when they were ambushed by the French and Indians. -
Washing married his wife, Martha Dandridge Custis -
First continental congress
washington was elected delegate of the first continental congress. -
Second Continental Congress
Elected delegate in the second continental congress. -
Continental army
washington was elected cheif and commander of the continental army. -
Declaration of Independence
declaration of independence was signed in independence hall. -
Washington's First great victory with the continental army at saratoga. Considered the turning point of the revolution. -
Period: to
Valley Forge
Washington and his troops arrive at Valley Forge. The conditions there were terrible for the troops. -
Washington and his troops surround the british while they camped on a peninsula. They captured General Cornwallis and he surrendered to us. At that time, the Americans won the revolutionary war. -
Constitutional Convention
Elected President of the Constitutional Convention -
Elected the first president of the United States of America with John Adams as his vice president -
Period: to
Congress is developed in District of Columbia. -
bill of rights
The bill of rights became apart of the law. -
General Again
Commissioned Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief of the new United States Army -
George washing died on this date at his home, Mount Vernon. He was 67.