George Walker Bush is born in Haven,Connecticut
George Walker Bush is born -
He was the oldest son of Barbara Bush and George H Bush.
George graduates from Yale
George graduates from Harvard
George Married Larua Welch
His twin daughters Barbara and Jenna are born
His twin daughters Barbara and Jenna are born
The Bush Tax Cuts becomes a law
An entire nation watches in horror as planes slam in to World Trade Center
The office Of Homeland Security is annoced
The U.S.A invades Afaghanistan
Bush asks Congress for Authorzation of miltary force,They grant him that Power after all
Congress aprove $79 million for the Iraq war,The next month Bush signs a $350 billion Tax Cut.
U.S forces sezie Baghdad
DOW closes at 9,000
Bush says Bring them on 300 solders die in the next six months
U.S solider death toll climbs to 437
Google goes public while Bush is in Office
Death toll in Iraq reaches to 1,000
Youtube goes online also while Bush was in Office
Oil hits $100 per barrel for the first time
Barach Obama is elected President