George W. Bush

  • Birthday

    George W. Bush was born July 6th, 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Bush's Siblings

    Bush's Siblings
    Bush has 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Sadly one of his sisters died of luekemia when he was young and it troubled his childhood.
  • Phillips Academy

    Phillips Academy
    At age 15 he was sent to Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, where his father had gone to school.
  • School Days

    School Days
    Bush graduated from Yale University in New Hampshire.At Yale, Bush studied history. Bush also played baseball and rugby. In addition, George loved to be social. So he joineda fraternityand was elected president of that group.
  • Flight School

    Flight School
    Bush joined the Texas Air Natioinal Guard. Bush entered as 2nd lieutenant. Bush went to Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. He learned to fly F-102 fighter training. After graduation in 1969, he continued flying for the Texas Air National Guard part-time.
  • Married to Laura Lane Welch and Arbusto Energy

    Married to Laura Lane Welch and Arbusto Energy
    Bush started his own oil company and called it Arbusto Energy. That same year Bush married school librarian Laura Lane Welch on Nov. 5th.
  • Children

    Bush and his wife Laura have twin daughters named Barbara and Jenna. They were named after both of their grandmothers.
  • Bush's Dad

    Bush's Dad
    George H. W. Bush is elected the 41st President of the United States along with Vice President Dan Quale.
  • Texas Rangers baseball team

    Texas Rangers baseball team
    After working on his father's successful presidentail campaign, he and a group of partners bought the Texas Rangers baseball team.
  • Nomination

    Bush was nominated as Republican presidentail nominee. His vice presidentail running mate was Richard (Dick) Cheney. The presidentail election was one of the most unusual in history. The election was a very close and Florida's votes ended up determining the winner.
  • Governor of Texas

    Governor of Texas
    As a business partner, Bush managed the Texas Rangers until he was elected governor of Texas. He served as governor of Texas from January 1995 until December 21, 2000.
  • Becoming President

    Becoming President
    Bush was inaugurated on January 20. The final number of votes was very controversial and both Bush and Gore went to court to try to win Florida's votes.The fight went to the U.S. Supreme Court and the justices selected George W. Bush as President.
  • 9/11

    The worst terrorist attack ever on U.S. soil takes place on the morning of September 11. The day this happened Bush was reading to an elementary school. He finished reading to the elementary then was escorted to a private room to watch T.V. coverage of the attacks. After the third plane hit the Pentagon Bush was sent into many airplanes to many different places. He was not heard from ordinary Americans for hours.
  • Another major concern

    Another major concern
    Another major concern for Bush was the threat of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Bush threatened war against Iraq unless its leader, Saddam Hussein, allowed U.S. forces to inspect the country to determine if there were such weapons.