George Scherrer Jr.

  • George Scherrer Jr. Was Born

    George Scherrer Jr. Was Born
    Mt. Vernon, Illinois
  • Moved to Saint Louis

    Moved to Saint Louis
    REA Headquarters moved to Illinois, so they followed
  • Period: to

    Moved to Massachusetts

    His dad had a program where 9 months, he was at MIT, and 9 months he was at Princeton, so he took 1st grade up here.
  • Period: to

    Grades 2-10 at Shawnee Town

    Probably the most consistant part of his life.
  • Period: to

    Saint Mary’s university

    First year of college here
  • Period: to

    University of Illinois

    Second year of college here
  • Period: to

    Southern Illinois University

    Third year of college
  • Met my grandmother

    She was visiting a friend at West Point.
  • Graduated Westpoint

    Graduated Westpoint
  • Married My Grandmother

    Married My Grandmother
    Haddonfield New Jersey
  • Arrived at Germany

    Arrived at Germany
    Arrives at landshut, then goes to straubing
  • Son is born in Munich, Germany

    Son is born in Munich, Germany
    Stephen Scherrer is born
  • Has to walk border

    Has to walk border
    walks the border past Austria and Czech with a french unit.
  • Received orders for Vietnam

    Received orders for Vietnam
  • Joined 173 Airborne brigade

    Joined 173 Airborne brigade
    he was attached With the D/16 armor
  • Son is born at Fort Knox

    Son is born at Fort Knox
    Chris Scherrer is born
  • Attended Naval Postgraduate School

    Attended Naval Postgraduate School
    Monterey, California
  • Graduated Naval Postgraduate School

    Graduated with masters in operations research / distance analysis.
  • Son is born in Monetary

    Jonathan Scherrer is born
  • Daughter is born while at Fort Knox

    Lauren Scherrer is born
  • Went to Offutt air force base

    Went to Offutt air force base
  • Retired from army

    He retired from army after 20 years
  • Retired from here on

    Retired from here on
    Retired overall after spending another 22.5 years with TRW.