George Pickett and Stonewall Jackson Brigade

  • George Picket is born

    George Picket is born
    Born in Richmond, Virginia.
  • Pickett Graduated Westpoint

    Pickett Graduated Westpoint
    Pickett Graduated last in his class at Westpoint
  • The Stonewall Brigade is formed

    The Stonewall Brigade is formed
    The brigade was formed by Jackson at Harpers Ferry. It was formed from the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 27th, and 33rd Virginia Infantry regiments and the Rockbridge Artillery Battery of Rockbridge County.
  • Stonewall Brigade gets its name

    Stonewall Brigade gets its name
    At the first battle of the Civil War, The Battle of Bull Run, General Jackson held his ground with his men as the rest of the confederates retreated. Once the retreaters saw Jackson and his men holding their ground they went back to fight. General Barnard E. Bee said "Yonder stands Jackson like a stone wall" from then on Jackson was known as Stonewall Jackson and he men received the name of the Stonewall Brigade.
  • Pickett Returns to Battle

    Pickett Returns to Battle
    After being wounded in the shoulder at the battle of Gaines’ Mill Pickett finally returns.
  • Pickett is promoted to Major General

    Pickett is promoted to Major General
    Is promoted but still under the command of General James Longstreet
  • Stonewall Brigade's Loses

    Stonewall Brigade's Loses
    By the end of 1862 the Stonewall Brigade has suffered 1200 casualties
  • Stonewall Brigade at Gettysburg

    Stonewall Brigade at Gettysburg
    The Stonewall Brigade participated in 2 hard days of hard fought assaults against Union forces dug in on Culp's Hill.
  • "Pickett's Charge"

    "Pickett's Charge"
    Robert E. Lee ordered Pickett and his men to make a grand assult on the Union Forces on the high grounds around Gettysburg. Pickett's men made the farthest breach into the Union lines but had so many casualties it couldn't be considered a success.
  • Stonewall Brigade's last battle

    Stonewall Brigade's last battle
    The Battle of Monocacy was the last battle that the Stonewall Brigade fought in.
  • The Battle of Five Forks

    The Battle of Five Forks
    Pickett was the Confederate leader at The Battle of Five Forks and was defeated. This battle eventually lead to the collapse of the Confederate States of America. The Battle of Five Forks was the last battle Pickett fought in.
  • The war is over

    The war is over
    By the end of the war there was only 219 men left in the Stonewall Brigade that started with 6000 men. None of those men were above the rank of Captain.
  • George E. Pickett Dies

    George E. Pickett Dies
    Pickett Died of Scarlet Fever in Norfolk, Virginia at the age of 50. To the day he died he lamented the number of men he lost at Gettysburg.