Period: to
George Pickett
Birth Date
George Pickett was born in Richmond, Virginia on a plantation. -
Sent to West Point
George Pickett's parents sent George to West Point to study to become a well rounded man and military strategist. -
Congress declares war on Mexico
President Polk says that Mexico is invading our territory and congress declares war. -
Graduated West Point
George Pickett graduated West Point dead last in a class of fifty-nine that included Thomas Jackson. -
Assigned to Mexico-Eight Infantry
George Pickett was assigned to the eighth infantry in Northern Mexico about 5 months after graduating West Point. -
Joined Winfield Scott's invasion near Veracruz
George Pickett recieved high honors for bravery and the will of calming his men by many captains at Veracruz. -
Mexico City Falls to U.S.
General Scott Winfield's army captures a crutial Mexico City. -
Treaty Of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends Mexican War
After the loss of Mexico City, The Mexicans had lost their capital forcing them to sign a treaty to get it back. -
After the Mexican War, George Pickett protected the Texan Border until 1855
Even though the Mexican-American War ended, the Texan border still needed protection from the Comanches. -
Married Sally Minge
Sally Minge later would die in child birth along with their son. -
John Brown Raids Harper's Ferry for guns
When John Brown raids Harpers Ferry, a trigger in the south is pulled leading to the anger of many slave owners. -
Abraham Lincoln elected president
Abraham Lincoln tops a four-candidate election winning almost all of the electoral votes. -
South Carolina secedes
South Carolina secedes from the Union in a 169-0 vote. -
Fort Sumter-First shots fire
The Union still possesses an important Confederate fort. The Confederacy fire the first shots during a siege to regain it and they do. -
Resigns commision
George Pickett resigns his commision in Texas to move east to Richmond. -
Battle of Bull Run
The first true battle occurs at Bull Run where the Union finds out that the war was not going to be so easy. -
Appointed Captain of infantry in the Condfederate Army
When Pickett arrives in Richmond, he is appointed to Captain of the Confederate Infantry. -
Promoted to Brigadier General under General Longstreet's command
When he is appointed Brigadier General, he takes command of a brigade under General Longstreet's command. -
General Robert E. Lee appointed leader of the Confederate Army
Robert E. Lee is appointed general of the Confederate Army. -
Arrives late at Battle of Gettysburg
Brigadier General Pickett and his brigade arrive late to the Battle of Gettysburg. -
Pickett's Charge-Leaves 3/4 dead
General Lee commands Pickett's brigade to charge at the Union lines believing that they were weak. The inconsiderate decision cost 3/4 of their men their lives and even a turning point in the Civil War. -
Battle of Gettysburg
The battle takes place in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and would be the bloodiest battle in American History. Later that day, Pickett led a charge right at the Union's main line leaving 10,000 men dead. -
George Pickett Dies
George Pickett dies of abcess in the liver