george oscar french

By 1141549
  • frenche's letters

    frenche's letters
    lettersfrench's letters are extensive ,covering the period from August 6,1862 the day before his death most of his letters were writtden to his parents in Castelton,Vermount.
  • commission

    comissionOscars letter that was wirten the day before he was killed arrived at the same time the letter from the U.S treasurry requesting that he return the $250 bouns he had recevued on his enlistment because he was no longer entited toit due to his receiving a commission. Frenchs body was lost at city point
  • U.S.G. IS IN command

    U.S.G. IS IN command
    minie ballminie balloscar;s letters refer to on his immediate front,not how the war is going in general,through in march of 1864 osar writes,"as old U.S.G. is in command,that he will rush things in every direction." During a heavy bombardmeant he writes,' The most fault i find is the i find is the unpleasnt sound of various dense bodies movind through the air with great veolcity. A minie ball cut oscars hair just above his right ear.
  • heavy artillery unit

    heavy artillery unit
    heavy artillery unit geore oscar french en listed in in company c,11 vermount and trained at brattleboro into early september,ending up as a sargent he mnext moved to the defenses of washington,seving mostly in a heavy artillery unit and remained there unti may 13,1864.
  • commissioned 2nd lieutenant

    commissioned 2nd lieutenant
    commisioned 2nd lieutenantGeroge saw a great deal of heavy action,often as an infantrymanincluding at cold harbor,the shenandoah valley he received a wound at cedar creek,PetersburghGeorge was killed on apri2,1865,during the last week of the war.