George Orwell Timeline

  • Birth

    George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair is his real name) was born on the 25th of June 1903 in Motihari, India. His sister Marjorie Blair was born 5 years before.
  • Avril Blair is born

    George Orwell’s sister Avril Blair is born.
  • Orwell goes to St.Cyprians

    Orwell went to St Cyprians school boarding. He also wrote a memoir about his times there called ‘Such, such were the joys.’
  • Orwell goes to Eton College

    Orwell attends Eton College on a scholarship.
  • Orwell joins the Burmese Imperial Police

    Orwell joined the Burmese Imperial police, this was where he thought about how poorly the Burmese were being treated by the British.
  • Orwell leaves the Burmese Imperial Police

    Orwell leaves the Burmese Imperial Police and returns to England.
  • Orwell moves to France

    Orwell moved to Paris to experience living in poverty, this Inspired his first book. Down and Out in Paris and London
  • ‘Down and Out in Paris and London’ is Published

    ‘Down and Out in Paris and London’ is Published
    Orwell’s First book ‘Down and Out in Paris and London,’ is published
  • ‘Burmese Days’ Is Published

    ‘Burmese Days’ Is Published
    His novel Burmese days is published.
  • ‘A Clergyman’s Daughter’ is published

    ‘A Clergyman’s Daughter’ is published
    His novel ‘A Clergyman’s Daughter’ is published.
  • ‘The Road to Wigan Pier’ is published

    ‘The Road to Wigan Pier’ is published
    His novel ‘The Road to Wigan Pier’ is published.
  • Orwell enlists to fight in the Spanish Civil War

    Orwell enlists to fight in the Spanish Civil War fighting for the liberals.
  • Orwell is badly wounded whilst fighting in the Spanish Civil War.

    Orwell is shot by a sniper in Spain, luckily the bullet went straight through his neck missing the major artery in his neck. He then recovers after surgery.
  • Orwell leaves Spain

    Orwell stops fighting in the Spanish Civil War.
  • ‘Homage to Catalonia’ is published

    ‘Homage to Catalonia’ is published
    His novel ‘Homage to Catalonia’ is published.
  • ‘Coming Up for Air’ is published

    ‘Coming Up for Air’ is published
    His novel ‘Coming Up for Air’ is published.
  • Orwell starts to work for BBC

    Orwell worked for the BBC as a literary editor of the Tribune.
  • Orwell leaves the BBC

    Orwell leaves the BBC because he thought it was a waste of time.
  • Orwell adopts Richard Robertson

    Orwell adopts Richard Robertson who is named Richard Blair by Orwell and his wife.
  • ‘Animal Farm’ is published

    ‘Animal Farm’ is published
    His novel ‘Animal Farm is published.
  • ‘1984’ is published

    ‘1984’ is published
    His final novel ‘1984’ is published.
  • Death

    George Orwell died in the University College Hospital, London on the 21st of January, 1950.