George Bush

  • 2000 President election

    2000 President election
    In November of 2000, George W. Bush was elected President of the United States, with Dick Chaney as his running mate. The two ran against and beat their Democratic opponents, Al Gore and Joseph Lieberman. In January of the following year, Bush is officially sworn into office.
  • 9/11

    On September 11, 2001 a series of four terrorist attacks took place as 19 militants associated with the terrorist group, Al-Qaeda, hijacked four airplanes and targeted four United States landmarks. Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, while the third plane hit the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and the fourth plane ended up crashing into a field in Pennsylvania. Over 3,000 people died with more than 400 of them being policemen or firefighters.
  • Ground zero speech

    Ground zero speech
    President Bush delivered a short speech at Ground Zero regarding the 9/11 attacks. The speech entailed compassion and sympathy for those who lost loved ones in the attacks. The speech also expresses patriotism and mentions how those who are responsible for these attacks will be held responsible.
  • War in Afghanistan

    War in Afghanistan
    Less than 30 days after the 9/11 attacks, President George W. Bush announced the beginning of an offensive in Afghanistan that would be known as Operation Enduring Freedom. The goal of this operation was to stamp out the terrorists groups known as the Taliban and Al-Qaeda with the aid of Britain, Canada, Australia, German and France. The US and its allies wished to rid Afghanistan of these two groups because they posed as a threat to America and its people.
  • No child left behind act

    No child left behind act
    The purpose of the NCLB is to ensure that students in public schools meet important learning goals and are being educated in classrooms that are safe and taught by teachers who are well-prepared. The NCLB is the most recent version of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It provides federal money to poor children in hopes that it will bring academic progress.
  • Space shuttle columbia

    Space shuttle columbia
    Upon returning to Earth, space shuttle Columbia erupted into flames, killing all seven astronauts whom were on board. Following this disaster, NASA launched an two year investigation dedicated to finding out the cause of this explosion and ensuring that it would never happen again. The investigation revealed that a large piece of foam came off the shuttle's external tank and breached the wing of the spacecraft.
  • War in Iraq

    War in Iraq
    President George W. Bush announced that America would be going into the Iraq to wage war on the belief that carried weapons of mass destruction. Upon hearing this declaration of war, Saddam Hussein went into hiding. With three weeks of this invasion, the US had captured Iraq's three major cities while sustaining very few casualties.
  • operation red dawn

    operation red dawn
    On this day, Iraqi president Saddam Hussein was captured in ad-Dawr, Iraq, a town just outside of Tikrit where Hussein has grown up. The Operation was launched after the US gained intelligence that identified the two likely whereabouts of Hussein. These two locations were nicknamed Wolverine 1 and Wolverine 2 after the movie Red Dawn, which also inspired the naming of the operation.
  • 9/11 commission report

    9/11 commission report
    The formal name for the "9/11 Commission Report" is the "Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States". The commission report is an official report of the events that led up to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The report was crafted by the "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States" at George W. Bush's and Congress's request. The report is available to the public for sale and also for free download
  • 2004 Presidential Election

    2004 Presidential Election
    On this day, George W. Bush won relection to democrat, John Kerry. Bush won overwhelming, with the vote of 31 out of 50 states. John Kerry went on to be the United States Secretary of State.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina has gone down as the costliest natural disaster and is listed as one of the five deadliest hurricanes in American history. At least 1,245 people were killed due to this hurricane. The damage cost were up to $108 billion dollars.
  • Chief Justice Roberts

    Chief Justice Roberts
    John Glover Roberts Jr. was nominated to Chief Justice by President George W. Bush in 2005. He was nominated after the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist and has ever since held the position of Chief Justice. Chief Justice is known for having a conservative judicial philosophy.
  • Saddam Hussein Trials

    Saddam Hussein Trials
    The Trial of Saddam Hussein was a trial where President of Iraq Saddam Hussein was tried for crimes against humanity during his time in office. The Coalition Provisonal Authority voted for the creation of the Iraqi Special Trinunal that consisted of five Iraqi judges who tried Hussein and his aides on the charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Hussein was found guilty of these charges.
  • Former President G Ford passes away

    Former President G Ford passes away
    Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. served as the 38th President of the United States from the years of 1974 to 1977. During his presidency, Ford signed the Helsinki Accords which was a marking point in the US plan of detente during the Cold War. Ford is known for his controversial pardoning of former President Richard Nixon in his role in the Watergate scandal.
  • new troops sent to iraq

    new troops sent to iraq
    On this day, President George W. Bush declared that the only way to diminish the belligerent, senseless violence in Iraq was to send over 20,000 more American troops. This defied the massive pressure that was being placed on Bush to withdraw troops. Bush stated that his reasoning for stationing more troops were because the stakes in Iraq were too high and that they were so high that the US could literally not afford to lose.
  • Declaration of war with iraq

    Declaration of war with iraq
    President George W. Bush received authorization by Congress to declare war with Iraq. Bush beveled that war was necessary in order to keep Saddam Hussein from using weapons of mass destruction against his people, the U.S. and/or U.S. allies.
  • democratic party takes over

    democratic party takes over
    In the middle of President George W. Bush's second term,, the 2006 United States election took place. This election resulted in a seeping victory for the democrats who would gain control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and also won a majority of governorships and state legislatures. This was a major milestone.
  • 2008 Presidential election

    2008 Presidential election
    On this Tuesday, Democrat Barack Obama and his running mate Joe Biden, beat Republican John McCain and his running mate, Sarah Palin. Obama created history by becoming the first African American to ever be elected president of the United States and Biden became known as being the first Roman Catholic ever elected vice president. Obama appealed to American people by speaking against the Iraq War which was loosing support as George W. Bush loss popularity.
  • Obama Elected

    Obama Elected
    Bush delivered his address under far different circumstances than Obama’s. On January 15, 2009, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were still continuing and troops still remain in both countries. The Great Recession had battered the American economy and the recovery still continues. The last jobs report of the Obama Administration shows the unemployment rate at 4.7 percent and reached a nine-year low in November at 4.6 percent.