George Bush was born
Bush was born in New Haven, Conn., but at a young age, the family moved to Texas on business for the parent
George Bush and his wife Barbara have five children.
His wife Barbara took the woman -
Bush in his role as governor of Texas, with his wife Laura and his father, George HW Bush
George W. Bush with his wife Laura and daughters
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George Herbert Walker Bush and his wife Barbara, along with their eldest son George in infancy
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He was appointed President 43
Period: to
His term as president
Bush speech to the nation following the September 11 attacks, before the U.S. Congress, on September
Bush heads of governments of the United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal, at a summit for going to war in Iraq
Bush with Ariel Sharon and Mahmoud Abbas in Aqaba summit meeting
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President Bush's flight suit on the deck of the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln
Election signs next to each other in 2004, the right of the sign of John Kerry and John Edwards, and left that of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
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Bush speaks during the election campaign for a second term
Sign in honor of Bush, Israel
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Bush visits injured in Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans,
"Bush plaza" in Jerusalem
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His wife Laura Bush
He was the Republican Party
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Bush Jr. during his military service
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