George Brinton McCellan

  • Birth

    George is born in Philadelphia,PA.
  • Period: to

    Early Life

    George spent his life in PA. His parents were

    George McClellan and Mary McClellan. George got married to a women named Mary.
  • Job Outside of Army

    Job Outside of Army
    He worked as a railroad conductor outside of the army.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    He was a soldier in the Civil war for the Union.
  • Battle of Rich Mountain

    Battle of Rich Mountain
    Located in Randolph County, Virginia. Fought by the Union and the CSA. Commanders and leaders were George B. McClellan, William S. Rosecrans, Robert S. Garnett, John Pegram. The Union won. Casualties and losses (Union 46 and CSA 300)
  • Period: to

    Important Battles

    Battle of Rich Mountain, 7 Days, and Battle of Antietam
  • Died

    He died in Philadelphia, PA 1885.