
George Africanus

  • Slavery is deemed illegal on English soil.

    Slavery is deemed illegal on English soil.
    A judgement was made in the English Court of King's Bench in 1722. It was deemed illegal to have ownership over slaves on English soil. All slaves were freed.
  • George Africanus is born.

    George Africanus is born.
    George Africanus is born in 1763 in Sierra Leone, West Africa.
  • Moved to Wolverhampton and presented to the Molineux Family.

    Moved to Wolverhampton and presented to the Molineux Family.
    George Africanus was moved to Wolverhampton where he was given as a gift to the Molineux family.
  • George Africanus was educated.

    George Africanus was educated.
    George Africanus was crhristened and was three years old when Molineuxs began to educate him.
  • George Africanus arrived at England.

    George Africanus arrived at England.
    George Africanus arrived at England in the early 1766.
  • George Africanus is christened.

    George Africanus is christened.
    George Africanus was christened at St. Peter’s Church, Wolverhamptonh.He is given his full name 'George John Scipio Africanus '. He was at the time described as a negro that belonged to Benjamin Molineux.
  • George Africanus apprenticed a brassfounder.

    George Africanus apprenticed a brassfounder.
    George Africanus apprenticed a brassfounder in Wolverhampton.
  • Travelled to Nottingham.

    Travelled to Nottingham.
    After George Africanus was apprenticed as a brassfounder, he moved to Nottingham as an adult.
  • George Africanus marries Esther Shaw,

    George Africanus marries Esther Shaw,
    George Africanus marries Esther Shaw, a local woman, at St Peter's Church, Nottingham.
  • Founded the Africanus' Register of Servants.

    Founded the Africanus' Register of Servants.
    After George Africanus and Esther Shaw were married, they founded an emploment agency named Africanus' Resgister of Servants.
  • Abolition of the Slave Trade Laws.

    Abolition of the Slave Trade Laws.
    All slave was abolished on the 25 Msrch 1807 as an act of parliament.However this did not affect George Africanus as he won his freedom long before the event.
  • George Africanus freeholder..

    George Africanus freeholder..
    George Africanus becomes a freeholder. He now owns his faily a house as wall as business presmises.
  • George Africanus' Death.

    George Africanus' Death.
    George Africanus died in 1834. His body is buried in buried in St Mary’s Church in Nottingham. He was named 'Nottingham's First Black Entrepreneur.'
  • Esther Shaw's death.

    Esther Shaw's death.
    Esther Shaw died on 12 May 1863 at the age of 85 years.